The Foundation for Law Jusitce and Society Events

by | Oct 3, 2014

The Foundation for Law, Justice and Society in association with Wolfson College and the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford invites you to:
Book Colloquium: Social Media: A Critical Introduction
17:30-19:00 Thursday 9 October 2014
Haldane Room, Wolfson College, Oxford, OX2 6UD
This book colloquium will discuss the recently published book Social Media: A Critical Introduction, which navigates the controversies and contradictions of the complex digital media landscape. The discussion will include experts Professor Denis Galligan, Dr Bernie Hogan, Dr Iginio Gagliardone, Dr Jacob Rowbottom and Dr Monika Magyar, as well as the author of the book Christian Fuchs, Professor of Social Media at Westminster University. 

Exploring the role of social media in contemporary popular movements including the Occupy Movement and the Arab Spring, and drawing on theorists including Marx, Weber, Habermas, and Durkheim, this discussion asks:
·         Is Google good or evil?
·         Is Facebook a surveillance threat to privacy?
·         Does Twitter enhance democracy? 
·         What did WikiLeaks reveal about political accountability, the transparency of power, and new forms of cultural censorship?
Spaces will be limited for this discussion, so to find out more and reserve your place, please visit the FLJS website or email
The Foundation for Law, Justice and Society in association with Wolfson College and the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford invites you to:
Lecture: Killing by Drones: The Legal and Public Policy Dimensions
17:30- 19:00 Wednesday 15 October 2014
Leonard Wolfson Auditorium, Wolfson College, Oxford, OX2 6UD
This Lecture will explore the legal and policy issues surrounding the increasingly common use of military drones to carry out “targeted killings” in the ongoing fight against non-State actors in Pakistan, Yemen, and elsewhere.  
The lecture will be led by Rory O. Millson, Partner at Cravath, Swaine and Moore LLP,
Spaces will be limited for this lecture, so to find out more and reserve your place, please visit the FLJS website or
The Foundation for Law, Justice and Society in association with Wolfson College and the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford invites you to:
Free Film Night: We Steal Secrets: The Story of Wikileaks
19:30- 22:00 Tuesday 21 October 2014
Leonard Wolfson Auditorium, Wolfson College, Oxford, OX2 6UD
This Film Night is being held as part of the new FLJS programme examining the socio-legal implications of the rise of social media in the digital age, and raises questions in relation to freedom of speech, censorship, and the respective roles of the citizen and the state in the twenty-first century.
Directed by the Oscar Award winning documentary maker Alex Gibney, ‘We Steal Secrets: The Story of Wikileaks’ tells the story of Julian Assange’s rise and fall as the founder of Wikileaks and self-proclaimed defender of truth and freedom. The film draws on the testimony of over twenty witnesses and charts the role of Bradley Manning and other key players in the birth of a new age of digital whistle-blowing and citizen journalism.
A short talk will be given before the screening by Dr Jonathan Bright, Research Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute.
Spaces will be limited for this screening, so to find out more and reserve your place, please visit the FLJS website or email

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