The Faces of Human Rights
Edited by Kasey McCall-Smith, Jan Wouters and Felipe Gómez Isa
As human rights discourse increasingly focuses on analysing states and the institutions that promote and support the human rights machinery that states have created, this volume serves to recall that despite the growing size of the machinery and unwieldy nature of states, human rights began with real people. It samples a broad range of actors and localities where everyday people fought to ensure that the basic principles of human rights became a reality for all. This volume will give a face to the everyday people to whom credit is due for shaping human rights. It also responds to the perennial question of how to begin a career in human rights by highlighting that there is no single path into this dynamic field, a field built on the back of small initiatives by people across a broad spectrum of career paths.
Kasey McCall-Smith is Lecturer in Public International Law at the University of Edinburgh and Chair of the Association of Human Rights Institutes.
Jan Wouters is Full Professor of International Law and International Organizations, Jean Monnet Chair and Director, Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies and Institute for International Law, KU Leuven.
Felipe Gómez Isa is Professor of International Law and researcher at the Pedro Arrupe Human Rights Institute of the University of Deusto (Bilbao).
May 2019 | 9781509926916 | 376pp | Hardback | RSP: £19.99
Discount Price: £15.99
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Investment and Human Rights in Armed Conflict: Charting an Elusive Intersection
Daria Davitti
This book analyses the way in which international human rights law (IHRL) and international investment law (IIL) are deployed – or fail to be deployed – in conflict countries within the context of natural resources extraction. It specifically analyses the way in which IIL protections impact on the parallel protection of economic, social and cultural rights (ESC rights) in the host state, especially the right to water. Arguing that current responses have been unsatisfactory, it considers the emergence of the ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ framework and the Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights (jointly the Framework) as a possible analytical instrument. In so doing, it proposes a different approach to the way in which the Framework is generally interpreted, and then investigates the possible applicability of this ‘recalibrated’ Framework to the study of the IHRL-IIL interplay in a host country in a protracted armed conflict: Afghanistan. Through the emblematic example of Afghanistan, the book presents a practical dimension to its legal analysis. It uniquely portrays the elusive intersection between these two bodies of international law within a host country where the armed conflict continues to rage and a full economic restructuring is taking place away from the public eye, not least through the deployment of IIL and the inaction – or merely partial consideration – of IHRL. The book will be of interest to academics, policy-makers, and practitioners of international organisations involved in IHRL, IIL and/or deployed in contexts of armed conflict.
Daria Davitti is a Research Fellow at Lund University in Sweden and an Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham, UK.
May 2019 | 9781509911660 | 288pp | Hardback | RSP: £70
Discount Price: £56
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