Upcoming OxHRH Webinar: Is there a refugee crisis in Europe or just a crisis in protection?

by | Oct 30, 2015

The OxHRH along with the Oxford Martin Human Rights for Future Generations Programme, with the support of the Bertha Foundation, is pleased to continue it’s innovative webinar series with an exciting webinar from Dr Cathryn Costello (Oxford University) and Professor Guy Goodwin-Gill (Oxford University) on international refugee law and the refugee protection crisis in Europe.

Is there a refugee crisis in Europe, or a crisis of lack of refugee protection?  This webinar will examine the basic principles and rules in international refugee law, and clarify to what extent the EU and European states are living up to their obligations.  It will examine the predicament of those seeking protection in Europe and set out the basic legal position on the following issues:

  • access to protection and why those seeking refuge have recourse to dangerous journeys
  • whether refugees are obliged to seek asylum in the first possible country, or remain in countries where they have shelter from conflict
  • recognition as a refugee, in particular for those fleeing conflict
  • responsibility sharing both within Europe and with major host countries.

Participants can submit their questions via the Oxford Human Rights Hub twitter account @OxHRH using the hashtag #Refugeelaw or they can email questions to oxfordhumanrightshub@law.ox.ac.uk.

To participate:
  • Sign up here before noon (GMT) on Wednesday, 11 November 2015
  • To participate in the live webinar, visit here from 2pm (GMT) on Thursday, 12 November 2015.

The webinar will be recorded and archived on the OxHRH website, so those who are unable to participate on November 12 can still access the webinar.

For those in Oxford, please do participate as a live audience member by coming down to the Harold Lee Room at Pembroke College!

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1 Comment

  1. Dr. Nafees Ahmad

    The world has been morphing, transforming and transiting in desire and discourse, grace and guidance, purpose and practicality, pace and propensity and terrorism and transcendentalism. But this transformation does not address the biggest contemporary challenges posed to international refugee law (IRL) in its present posturing. The national governments across the globe have given the cold shoulder to refugees in their itinerary of international obligations and duties as enunciated in the UN Charter and Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) along with the vast pool of human rights instruments. However, international community has been performing its refugee mandate in an ostensible manner that is insufficient and contemptuous to their basic rights and dignity. Today, refugees have been grappling with scorn, suspicion and skepticism of national governments in their quest for durable solutions to human displacement and migration. But, unfortunately, refugees are being squeezed in the state practices which are reflected in their autonomy of sovereignty, foreign policy preferences, international relation controls and geo-strategic choices that undermined the dignity, equality and liberty of the refugees. Consequently, these dichotomies created a cartel of care based on caste, colour, ethnicity, race, region, political opinion, social origin and statelessness for humanitarian aid and assistance in a given situation that require a collective and uniform international action.

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