
Content by Author

Center for Death and Society Conference 2018: The Politics of Death

Center for Death and Society Conference 2018: The Politics of Death

Dates: 08-09 June 2018 Location: University of Bath, UK Over the last fifteen-years, first world popular culture's interest in human mortality significantly expanded and death and dying achieved new levels of media ...
Friday in Focus: Laura Hilly

Friday in Focus: Laura Hilly

When I finished up my position as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow and Deputy Direction of the OxHRH in 2015, I remember reflecting on the A.A. Milne quote: ‘How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard’. But what ...
Kenya After the 2017 Election: What Next?

Kenya After the 2017 Election: What Next?

In 2017, Kenya was plunged into uncertainty as the scheduled August election dragged on until October after the Supreme Court threw out the initial results. The court cited numerous irregularities and illegalities as the basis for ...
Work, Human Rights, and Human Capabilities – Virginia Mantouvalou (UCL)

Work, Human Rights, and Human Capabilities – Virginia Mantouvalou (UCL)

Oxford Labour Law Discussion Group seminar Professor Virginia Mantouvalou (University College London) Work, Human Rights and Human Capabilities Date and time: Monday 22 January 2018 at 12:30pm Venue: Brasenose College Tower ...
New Positions at the Centre for Law and Policy Research

New Positions at the Centre for Law and Policy Research

Centre for Law and Policy Research (“CLPR”) is a not-for-profit trust based in Bengaluru. We are a team of young researchers and lawyers who are engaged with research into law, development of policy, advancing public interest in the ...
Friday in Focus: Helen Taylor

Friday in Focus: Helen Taylor

I came to Oxford in 2013 to read for the BCL followed by the DPhil, with a particular interest in human rights and constitutional law. Faced with long reading lists and the cold isolation of the library, I was quickly drawn to the ...
Is the Era of Universal Human Rights Coming to an End (Conor Gearty, LSE)

Is the Era of Universal Human Rights Coming to an End (Conor Gearty, LSE)

Corin​ Redgrave​​ Memorial ​​Lecture ​​2018​ Conor ​Gearty​ Professor​ of ​​Human​ ​Rights ​​Law​ ​at ​​LSE​ Is​ The​​ Era​​ of​ ​Universal​​ Human ​​Rights​ Coming​ To​ ...
Applications Open for OxHRH-Rhodes University Fellowship

Applications Open for OxHRH-Rhodes University Fellowship

Rhodes University Research Fellowship/ Oxford Human Rights Hub Travelling Fellowship Background The Rhodes University Research Fellowship/ Oxford Human Rights Hub Travelling Fellowship (‘the Fellowship’) is a partnership ...
Perspectives on Social Policy Seminar Series

Perspectives on Social Policy Seminar Series

Happy Holidays and New Year from the OxHRH!

Happy Holidays and New Year from the OxHRH!

Our OxHRH activities have gathered momentum during this year of celebrating the fifth anniversary of the OxHRH. Michaelmas Term has been particularly productive with the culmination of several of our major initiatives. Chief among ...
Affirmative Action and the Sustainable Development Goal of Gender Equality

Affirmative Action and the Sustainable Development Goal of Gender Equality

International Conference on Affirmative Action and the Sustainable Development Goal of Gender Equality 22nd- 23rd September, 2018 Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu National Law School, Tiruchirappalli in collaboration with Oxford ...
Working Together: Human Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals

Working Together: Human Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, the world committed itself to an ambitious fifteen year programme to eradicate poverty in all its forms and dimensions. In a crucial step forward, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) make an explicit commitment to ...