In association with COMPAS, the Faculty of Law, Refugee Studies Centre and Oxford University Press, you are invited to attend a Launch event for Migrants at Work: Immigration & Vulnerability in Labour Law (Cathryn Costello & Mark Freedland (editors))
Friday, 13th February 2015
2:30pm Welcome from the Editors
2:45pm Migration Law on the Labour Law Curriculum – Professor ACL Davies (incoming Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford)
3pm ‘Modern Slavery’ and Migrant Workers: Panacea or Panopticon? – Professor Julia O’Connell-Davison (University of Nottingham); Dr Virginia Mantouvalou (UCL); Professor Bernard Ryan (University of Leicester); Professor Bridget Anderson (COMPAS)
4:15pm Illegality after Hounga: On Firewalls and other Fantasies? – Professor Alan Bogg (University of Oxford); Dr Cathryn Costello (University of Oxford)
4:45pm Developing the ‘Migrants at Work’ Research Agenda
5:00pm Drinks’ Reception – QEH Foyer
Places are strictly limited, so early booking is advisable. Further details can be found on the event website here.