Access to Justice

Protecting the Free Speech of Companies? The US Supreme Court decision in 303 Creative LLC v Elenis

Protecting the Free Speech of Companies? The US Supreme Court decision in 303 Creative LLC v Elenis

In 303 Creative LLC et al. v Elenis, the US Supreme Court held that the petitioners were entitled to refuse to provide wedding website services in respect of same sex...
An Assessment of Transitional Justice in Spain vis-à-vis the Ley De Memoria Democrática: the good, the bad and the solvable

An Assessment of Transitional Justice in Spain vis-à-vis the Ley De Memoria Democrática: the good, the bad and the solvable

The Spanish transition to democracy post-dictatorship prioritised peace, security, and the consolidation of democracy at the expense of truth, justice and accountability. However, in 2022, Sanchez’s government implemented the Ley...
Redefining Intimacy and Individual Liberties: Unravelling the Kiran Rawat Judgment

Redefining Intimacy and Individual Liberties: Unravelling the Kiran Rawat Judgment

In a shocking recent judgement Kiran Rawat v State of UP, the High Court of Allahabad, India dismissed a writ petition from a cohabiting couple. The couple sought to safeguard...
A Harbinger of Justice or a Pandora’s Box? The Kenyan Supreme Court Broadens the Scope of Judicial Review

A Harbinger of Justice or a Pandora’s Box? The Kenyan Supreme Court Broadens the Scope of Judicial Review

The Kenyan Supreme Court has issued further directions clarifying the scope of judicial review law in its decision on 16th June 2023 in Edwin Harold Dayan Dande & 3 Others...
El principio de proporcionalidad y la protección de los derechos reproductivos en el Tribunal Constitucional Español

El principio de proporcionalidad y la protección de los derechos reproductivos en el Tribunal Constitucional Español

En contraste con los recientes retrocesos de las protecciones del derecho al aborto, como la derogación de Roe vs Wade en Estados Unidos, el Tribunal Constitucional (TC) español recientemente protegió...
Protecting Reproductive Rights: A Balancing Exercise for the Spanish Constitutional Court

Protecting Reproductive Rights: A Balancing Exercise for the Spanish Constitutional Court

In stark contrast to recent regressions on abortion rights, including the fall of Roe v Wade in the USA, the Spanish Constitutional Court lately signalled greater protections for reproductive rights,...
The Menace of Manual Scavenging in India: The Case for Stronger Legal Implementation

The Menace of Manual Scavenging in India: The Case for Stronger Legal Implementation

The right to a clean, safe, and healthy environment is a fundamental right protected by Article 21 of the Indian Constitution, encompassed by the right to life. However, sanitation employees...
The Miseries of Juvenile Prisoners of Bangladesh

The Miseries of Juvenile Prisoners of Bangladesh

Juvenile prisons in Bangladesh are effectively torture cells for teenage offenders. Known as juvenile development centres (JDC), the facilities of these institutions are chronically insufficient: overcrowded and understaffed, with poor...
The UK Bill of Rights: Changes to Human Rights Protection may Impact Climate Litigation

The UK Bill of Rights: Changes to Human Rights Protection may Impact Climate Litigation

Across the world, human rights-based arguments are increasingly deployed in climate litigation against public bodies. However, in the UK, potential reforms to the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA) – an...
Public Purpose or Private Interest? The Supreme Court of India’s Scrutiny of Land Acquisition for a University Project in Tribal Areas

Public Purpose or Private Interest? The Supreme Court of India’s Scrutiny of Land Acquisition for a University Project in Tribal Areas

The Supreme Court of India recently delivered a landmark judgment in Anil Agarwal Foundation Etc v State of Orissa & Ors, quashing the land acquisition proceedings initiated by the State...
What’s next in Climate Litigation before the European Court of Human Rights? Duarte Agostinho and Others v Portugal and 32 other States

What’s next in Climate Litigation before the European Court of Human Rights? Duarte Agostinho and Others v Portugal and 32 other States

On 29 March 2023, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) heard its first two climate cases (Verein Klima Seniorinnen and Others v Switzerland and Carême v France). Meanwhile, another...
Violation of Administrative and Fundamental Rights by banning BBC Documentary in India

Violation of Administrative and Fundamental Rights by banning BBC Documentary in India

On 21 January 2023, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting directed YouTube and Twitter to censor BBC’s documentary “India: The Modi Question”, a two-part series that explores the escalating hostility...

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