Right to Freedom of Religion

Intersectional discrimination of Muslim women in Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Mujanović case

Intersectional discrimination of Muslim women in Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Mujanović case

On July 11, 2024, the Bosnian Constitutional Court ruled that Emela Mujanović (at that time soldier in the Bosnian Army Forces) was not allowed to wear a headscarf (hijab) at...
The Ahmadiyya in Pakistan: Religious Persecution, Human Rights, and Islam

The Ahmadiyya in Pakistan: Religious Persecution, Human Rights, and Islam

The Ahmadiyya are a religious minority who suffer persecution in Pakistan and many other Muslim-majority countries. In 2023, for example, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan reported that at least...
R v Michaela Community Schools Trust: Human Rights and Freedom of Religion in the UK

R v Michaela Community Schools Trust: Human Rights and Freedom of Religion in the UK

The relationship between Islam, religious freedom, and human rights has long been a subject of debate in Britain. However, the significance of the latest instalment in this saga, the judgment...
Detriment to Spirituality under the Equality Act 2010: On Banning Ritual Prayers in R v Michaela Community Schools Trust

Detriment to Spirituality under the Equality Act 2010: On Banning Ritual Prayers in R v Michaela Community Schools Trust

A recent High Court judgment has ruled that a London school’s ban on ritual prayers does not indirectly discriminate against or interfere with Muslim students’ right to freedom of religion....
Der grausamste Schnitt von allen? Der EGMR weigert sich, in Sachen Schächten einzuschreiten

Der grausamste Schnitt von allen? Der EGMR weigert sich, in Sachen Schächten einzuschreiten

Sowohl vor dem Gerichtshof der Europäischen Union (EuGH) als auch vor dem Belgischen Verfassungsgerichtshof kämpften ein Bündnis muslimischer und jüdischer Gruppen sowie Einzelpersonen gegen regionale belgische Vorschriften zum Verbot des...
Het wreedste stuk van allemaal: het EHRM weigert zich te buigen over onverdoofd slachten in religieuze context

Het wreedste stuk van allemaal: het EHRM weigert zich te buigen over onverdoofd slachten in religieuze context

Na vergeefse pogingen voor het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie (HvJ-EU) en het Belgisch Grondwettelijk Hof, was er voor de coalitie van joodse en moslimgroepen voor het Europees...
Le coup le plus cruel de tous? La CEDH refuse d’intervenir sur l’abattage rituel

Le coup le plus cruel de tous? La CEDH refuse d’intervenir sur l’abattage rituel

Devant la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne (CJUE) et la Cour constitutionnelle belge, une coalition de groupes et d’individus musulmans et juifs ont lutté contre des réglementations régionales belges...
The Unkindest Cut of All? The ECtHR Declines to Intervene on Religious Slaughter

The Unkindest Cut of All? The ECtHR Declines to Intervene on Religious Slaughter

Both before the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and the Belgian Constitutional Court, a coalition of Muslim and Jewish groups and individuals have fought Belgian regional regulations...
The UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief: Key reports, themes, and issues

The UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief: Key reports, themes, and issues

The right to Freedom of Religion or Belief (FORB) continues to be one of the most important and vulnerable human rights globally. Evidence of rising incidents of racial and religious...
If Frozen Embryos Are Unborn Children Then What Is IVF’s Future in the United States?

If Frozen Embryos Are Unborn Children Then What Is IVF’s Future in the United States?

In Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization (2022), the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade(1973), and the fate of reproductive freedom fell to the political whims of state...
Non-Refoulement of Uyghur Prisoners in India

Non-Refoulement of Uyghur Prisoners in India

Although India is not party to the 1951 United Nations Convention on the Rights of Refugees, this does not preclude it from its Principle of Non-Refoulement, or prohibition of refoulement,...
Religious Discrimination, Headscarves and ‘exclusive neutrality’: backsliding by the CJEU

Religious Discrimination, Headscarves and ‘exclusive neutrality’: backsliding by the CJEU

In OP v Commune d’Ans the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) returned to religious discrimination and headscarves, this time in the public sector workplace. Although the CJEU...

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