New Human Rights Publications from Hart Publishing

by | Jul 15, 2016



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Property and Human Rights in a Global Context

Edited by Ting Xu and Jean Allain


Property as a human rights concern is manifested through its incorporation in international instruments and as a subject of the law through property-related cases considered by international human rights organs. Yet, for the most part, the relationship between property and human rights has been discussed in rather superficial terms, lacking a clear substantive connection or common language. That said, the currents of globalisation have witnessed a new era of interrelation between these two areas of the law, including the emergence of international intellectual property law and the recognition of indigenous claims, which, in fundamental ways, speak to an engagement with human rights law.


This collection starts the conversation between human rights lawyers and property lawyers and explores analytical approaches to the increasing relationship between property and human rights in a global context. The chapters engage with key theoretical and policy debates and range across three main themes: The re-evaluation of the public/private divide in the law; the tensions between the market and social justice in development and the balance between the rights of individuals and those of communities. The chapters adopt a global, comparative perspective and engage in case studies from countries including India, Philippines, Brazil, the United States, the United Kingdom and includes various regions of Africa and Europe.


Ting Xu is a Senior Lecturer in Law at the University of Sheffield.

Jean Allain holds the Chair in Public International Law at Queen’s University, Belfast; and is Extraordinary Professor, Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria.


Jan 2016   |   9781849467261   |   352pp   |   Hbk   |   RSP: £55

Discount Price: £44


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Access to Justice

Beyond the Policies and Politics of Austerity

Edited by Ellie Palmer, Tom Cornford, Audrey Guinchard and Yseult Marique


Building on a series of ESRC funded seminars, this edited collection of expert papers by academics and practitioners is concerned with access to civil and administrative justice in constitutional democracies, where, for the past decade governments have reassessed their priorities for funding legal services: embracing ‘new technologies’ that reconfigure the delivery and very concept of legal services; cutting legal aid budgets; and introducing putative cost-cutting measures for the administration of courts, tribunals and established systems for the delivery of legal advice and assistance. Without underplaying the future potential of technological innovation, or the need for a fair and rational system for the prioritisation and funding of legal services, the book questions whether the absolutist approach to the dictates of austerity and the promise of new technologies that have driven the Coalition Government’s policy, can be squared with obligations to protect the fundamental right of access to justice, in the unwritten constitution of the United Kingdom.


Ellie Palmer is a Professor of Law and Tom Cornford, Yseult Marique and Audrey Guinchard are Senior Lecturers in Law, all at the University  of Essex.


Jan 2016   |   9781849467346   |   336pp   |   Hbk   |   RSP: £50

Discount Price: £40


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Equal Citizenship and Its Limits in EU Law

We The Burden?

Päivi Johanna Neuvonen


The research monograph Equal Citizenship and Its Limits in EU Law: We the Burden? is a critical study of the scope of EU citizenship as an ‘equal status’ of all Member State nationals. The book re-conceptualises the relationship between the status of EU citizenship and EU citizens’ fundamental right to equal treatment by asking what indicates the presence of agency in EU law. A thorough analysis of the case-law is used to support the argument that the present view of active citizenship in EU law fails to explain how EU citizens should be treated in relation to one another and what counts as ‘related’ for the purposes of equal treatment in a transnational context. In addressing these questions, the book responds to the increasing need to find a more substantive theory of justice for the European Union. The book suggests that a more balanced view of agency in the case of EU citizens can be based on the inherent connection between citizens’ agency and their subjectivity. This analysis provides an integrated philosophical account of transnational equality by showing that a new source of ‘meaningful relationships’ for the purposes of equal treatment arises from recognizing and treating EU citizens as full subjects of EU law and European integration. The book makes a significant contribution to the existing scholarship on EU law, first, by demonstrating that the undefined nature of EU citizenship is fundamentally a question about transnational justice and not just about individual rights and, secondly, by introducing a framework within which the current normative indeterminacy of EU citizenship can be overcome.


Päivi Johanna Neuvonen was, until December 2015, a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at The Policy Research Centre on Equality Policies, KU Leuven.


Apr 2016     9781782258155     232pp     Hbk     RSP: £55

Discount Price: £44


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Human Rights Obligations of Non-State Armed Groups

Daragh Murray


This book is concerned with the international regulation of non-state armed groups. Specifically, it examines the possibility of subjecting armed groups to international human rights law obligations.


First addressed is the means by which armed groups may be bound by international law. Of particular interest is the de facto control theory and the possibility that international law may be applied in the absence of direct treaty regulation. Application of this theory is dependent upon an armed group’s establishment of an independent existence, as demonstrated by the displacement of state authority. This means that armed groups are treated as a vertical authority, thereby maintaining the established hierarchy of international regulation. At issue therefore is not a radical approach to the regulation of non-state actors, but rather a modification of the traditional means of application in response to the reality of the situation.


The attribution of international human rights law obligations to armed groups is then addressed in light of potential ratione personae restrictions. International human rights law treaties are interpreted in light of the contemporary international context, on the basis that an international instrument has to be applied within the framework of the entire legal system prevailing at the time of interpretation. Armed groups’ status as vertical authorities facilitates the vertical application of international human rights law in a manner consistent with both the object and purpose of the law and its foundation in human dignity.


Finally, if international human rights law is to be applied to armed groups, its application must be effective in practice. A context-dependent division of responsibility between the territorial state and the armed group is proposed. The respect, protect, fulfil framework is adapted to facilitate the application of human rights obligations in a manner consistent with the control exerted by both the state and the armed group.


Daragh Murray is a lecturer in the School of Law and Human Rights Centre at the University of Essex.


May 2016     9781509901630     360pp     Hbk     RSP: £60

Discount Price: £48


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Damages and Human Rights

Jason NE Varuhas


Damages and Human Rights is a major work on awards of damages for violations of human rights that will be of compelling interest to practitioners, judges and academics alike. Damages for breaches of human rights is emerging as an important and practically significant field of law, yet the rules and principles governing such awards and their theoretical foundations remain underexplored, while courts continue to struggle to articulate a coherent law of human rights damages. The book’s focus is English law, but it draws heavily on comparative material from a range of common law jurisdictions, as well as the jurisprudence of international courts.


The current law on when damages can be obtained and how they are assessed is set out in detail and analysed comprehensively. The theoretical foundations of human rights damages are examined with a view to enhancing our understanding of the remedy and resolving the currently troubled state of human rights damages jurisprudence. The book argues that in awarding damages in human rights cases the courts should adopt a vindicatory approach, modelled on those rules and principles applied in tort cases when basic rights are violated. Other approaches are considered in detail, including the current ‘mirror’ approach which ties the domestic approach to damages to the European Court of Human Rights’ approach to monetary compensation; an interest-balancing approach where the damages are dependent on a judicial balancing of individual and public interests; and approaches drawn from the law of state liability in EU law and United States constitutional law.


The analysis has important implications for our understanding of fundamental issues including the interrelationship between public law and private law, the theoretical and conceptual foundations of human rights law and the law of torts, the nature and functions of the damages remedy, the connection between rights and remedies, the intersection of domestic and international law, and the impact of damages liability on public funds and public administration.


Dr Jason NE Varuhas is Associate Professor of Law, University of Melbourne and Associate Fellow, Centre for Public Law, University of Cambridge. He was formerly Senior Lecturer, University of New South Wales, Junior Research Fellow, Christ’s College and Affiliated Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge. He has published widely in the fields of public law, tort law and remedies, and his doctoral thesis on human rights damages was awarded the Yorke Prize by the University of Cambridge.


May 2016     9781849463720     552pp     Hbk     RSP: £95

Discount Price: £76


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Religion and the Exercise of Public Authority

Edited by Benjamin L Berger and Richard Moon


In the burgeoning literature on law and religion, scholarly attention has tended to focus on broad questions concerning the scope of religious freedom, the nature of toleration and the meaning of secularism. An under-examined issue is how religion figures in the decisions, actions and experiences of those charged with performing public duties. This point of contact between religion and public authority has generated a range of legal and political controversies around issues such as the wearing of religious symbols by public officials, prayer at municipal government meetings, religious education and conscientious objection by public servants.


Authored by scholars from a variety of disciplines, the chapters in this volume provide insight into these and other issues. Yet the volume also provides an entry point into a deeper examination of the concepts that are often used to organise and manage religious diversity, notably state neutrality. By examining the exercise of public authority by individuals who are religiously committed – or who, in the discharge of their public responsibilities, must account for those who are – this volume exposes the assumptions about legal and political life that underlie the concept of state neutrality and reveals its limits as a governing ideal.


Benjamin L Berger is an Associate Professor at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University.

Richard Moon is a Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Windsor.


Jun 2016     9781849467155     224pp     Hardback     RSP: £55  

Discount Price: £44


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Security and International Law

Edited by Mary E Footer, Julia Schmidt, Nigel D White

and Lydia Davies-Bright


Of the many challenges that society faces today, possibly none is more acute than the security of ordinary citizens when faced with a variety of natural or man-made disasters arising from climate and geological catastrophes, including the depletion of natural resources, environmental degradation, food shortages, terrorism, breaches of personal security and human security, or even the global economic crisis. States continue to be faced with a range of security issues arising from contested territorial spaces, military and maritime security and security threats relating to energy, infrastructure and the delivery of essential services. The theme of the book encompasses issues of human, political, military, socio-economic, environmental and energy security and raises two main questions. To what extent can international law address the types of natural and man-made security risks and challenges that threaten our livelihood, or very existence, in the twenty-first century? Where does international law fall short in meeting the problems that arise in different situations of insecurity and how should such shortcomings be addressed?


Mary E Footer is Professor of International Economic Law at the University of Nottingham.

Julia Schmidt is a Lecturer in Law at the University of Exeter, formerly Research Fellow in the School of Law at the University of Nottingham.

Nigel D White is Professor of Public International Law at the University of Nottingham.

Lydia Davies-Bright is a PhD student in the School of Law at the University of Nottingham.


Jun 2016     9781849466349     448pp     Hbk     RSP: £65

Discount Price: £52


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Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

International and Regional Jurisprudence

Ben Saul


Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights explores how general human rights standards have enabled, empowered and constrained indigenous peoples in claiming and defending their essential economic, social, cultural, civil and political interests. The book examines the jurisprudence of United Nations treaty committees and regional human rights bodies (in Africa, the Americas and Europe) that have interpreted and applied human rights standards to the special circumstances and experiences of indigenous peoples. It focuses particularly on how human rights laws since the 1960s have been drawn upon by indigenous activists and victims to protect their interests in ancestral lands, natural resources, culture and language. It further explores the right to indigenous self-determination; civil and political rights; economic, social and cultural rights (including labour rights); family and children’s rights; violence and discrimination against indigenous peoples; and access to justice and remedies for violations. The book also discusses international and regional efforts to define who is ‘indigenous’ and who is a ‘minority’, and the legal relationship between indigenous individuals and their communities. The jurisprudence considered in this book significantly shaped the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 2007, which particularises and adapts general human rights standards for indigenous peoples. The book concludes by exploring future normative and implementation challenges in the light of the standard setting and consolidation, and political momentum, surrounding the UN Declaration and associated UN human rights mechanisms.


Ben Saul is Professor of International Law at the University of Sydney.


Jun 2016     9781901362404     248pp     Pbk     RSP: £36.99  

Discount Price: £29.59


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