Our colleagues at the Refugee Studies Centre have just released a new publication –
Forced Migration Review issue 47 on ‘The Syria crisis, displacement and protection’ is now online at www.fmreview.org/syria
The 6.45 million displaced people inside Syria make this the largest IDP crisis in the world, with possibly also the largest number of people who are ‘trapped’. In addition, the number of refugees from Syria continues to increase. The international community has an opportunity to set up, from now, an effective response to what will clearly become protracted displacement. These 20 articles discuss how to increase protection for the displaced and how to shape assistance to both the displaced and their ‘hosts’.
This issue of FMR is available online at www.fmreview.org/syria in English in pdf, html and audio formats, and will also be available in Arabic, French and Spanish in html and pdf formats. It will be available in print in all four languages, and is free of charge.
The Forced Migration Review has published a special supplement titled – ‘Innovation and refugees’.
This special FMR supplement reflects the focus of the Humanitarian Innovation Project (HIP) with whom we have worked to publish this collection of articles. The eleven articles include contributions from HIP’s Humanitarian Innovation Conference (held in Oxford in July 2014). – See more at: http://www.fmreview.org/innovation#sthash.V1Yugdi6.dpuf