The OxHRH would like to showcase the latest human rights publications from our global network. The latest editions are:
Cathryn Costello and Emilie McDonnell, ‘The “New Plan for Immigration” and the UK’s Breach of its Legal Duty of Non-Penalisation’ (RLI Blog on Refugee Law and Forced Migration, 28 July 2021) <>
Sandra Fredman, ‘Perspectiva de género en los derechos socioeconómicos’ in Liliana Ronconi and Laura Clérico (coords), Constitutional Law and Human Rights (Rubinzal Culzoni Editores, 2021)
Laura Hoyano and John Riley, ‘Making s 28 more Flexible and Effective’ (Counsel, 1 June 2021) <>
Tarunabh Khaitan, ‘Balancing Accountability and Effectiveness: A Case for Moderated Parliamentarism‘ (2021) 7 Canadian Journal of Comparative and Contemporary Law 81
Tarunabh Khaitan, ‘Two Facets of Religion: Religious Adherence and Religious Group Membership’ (2021) 34 Harvard Human Rights Journal 231