Non-Credit Course: Developing Strategies for the Protection & Promotion of Human Rights

by | Jan 20, 2020

The Bonavero Institute seeks to enrich the human rights experience of Oxford students, and to assist them to develop careers in the broad field of human rights. Several programmes have been developed to pursue this goal: a Human Rights Strategy Non-credit Course for law students and students at the Blavatnik School of Government and the Saϊd Business School (in partnership with Oxfam and Oxford Human Rights Hub) and Research Training on the Right of Peaceful Assembly in collaboration with the University of Pretoria.


The Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, Oxfam and the Oxford Human Rights Hub will be offering a non-credit course in developing strategies for the protection and promotion of human rights with a focus on “Business & Human Rights” in Hilary Term 2020. The object of the course is to introduce students to strategic analysis relating to human rights and to promote academic scholarship in the field of human rights informed by current practical human rights problems.

The course is open to students in the Faculty of Law, at the Blavatnik School of Government and at the Saϊd Business School as well as graduate students from other Faculties with a previous law degree (see below). A limited number of places (15) is available.

The seminars will cover the following topics:

  • An Introduction to Business & Human Rights
  • Corporate reporting and the Modern Slavery Act
  • Corporate accountability: Using tort law to hold corporations to account

Each seminar will be led by two leading lawyers or human rights policy practitioners. Seminars will involve presentations on specific strategic responses to human rights problems that have been implemented, as well as small group sessions to discuss and develop other strategic responses.

There will be no formal mode of assessment but students who are admitted to the course will be expected to attend every seminar. You will be provided with a certificate to confirm your participation in the programme.

Profile of Participants

  • Graduate and undergraduate law students; Master of Public Policy students at the Blavatnik School of Government; Master of Business Administration students at the Saїd Business School; graduate students from other Faculties with a previous law degree or demonstrated experience in human rights
  • Demonstrated Interest in Human Rights
  • Availability: Participants must commit to attending all three sessions which will take place on Wednesdays, 12 and 26 February 2020 and 11 March 2020 (Weeks 4, 6 and 8), 5.15 to 7.45pm, in the Gilly Leventis Meeting Room at the Bonavero Institute. It will also be expected that students have read any preparatory reading material sent out in advance


Please send a letter setting out why you would like to participate in this programme, together with a CV to Applications close on Tuesday, 28 January 2020, at 12 noon. You will be notified by Friday, 31 January as to whether you have been accepted.

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