Cancelled: OxHRH Solidarity with UCU Strike: Teach-Out on the Right to Education

by | Mar 9, 2020


In solidarity with the UCU strike, the Oxford Human Rights Hub is hosting a teach-out on the Right to Education. The panel will explore the nature of the right to education and its importance in the struggle for equality, dignity and freedom for all.

The event is this Friday, 13 March, from 11 to 12 pm, in the Littlegate Room, Pembroke College. The speakers for the event are Prof Sandra Fredman and Sanya Samtani.

Speaker Profiles:

Professor Sandra Fredman is Rhodes Professor of the Laws of the British Commonwealth and the USA at Oxford University, and a professorial fellow at Pembroke College, Oxford. She was elected a Fellow of the British Academy in 2005 and became a QC (honoris causa) in 2012.  She has written and published widely on anti-discrimination law, human rights law and labour law, including numerous peer-reviewed articles.

Sanya Samtani, currently a Research Assistant at the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights and Research Associate at the Oxford Human Rights Hub, completed her BCL (2016) and is a DPhil (in law) candidate. Her research on ‘The Right of Access to Educational Materials’ articulates students’ right of access to educational materials and lies at the intersection of the right to education and copyright exceptions in international law, as well as case studies in India and South Africa.

Please join us for this show of solidarity!


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