The Oxford Human Rights Hub has been fortunate to receive two speakers in the past fortnight.
Justice Kate O’Regan, previously one of the first group of judges on the South African Constitutional Court, and a visiting professor in the law faculty, gave a fascinating seminar to students and faculty on the Comparative Human Rights course on the rights to housing and education in the South African Constitutional Court. As ever, it was a great privilege to hear an analysis from one of the leading South African jurists on this challenging aspect of human rights law. Justice O’Regan also gave individual feedback to doctoral students.
We were also pleased to welcome Dr Dominique Allen, a Senior Lecturer at Deakin University, Australia and the co-author of Australian Anti-Discrimination Law (2nd ed 2014, Federation Press). Dominique is currently a visiting fellow at University College London where she is researching the enforcement of discrimination claims. While in Oxford Dominique met with post-graduate and faculty members of the Oxford Human Rights Hub and discussed her upcoming publication on the structure and role of human rights commissions.’