RightsUp – Episode 2 – ‘Some Sort of Monster?’: The Benefits and Burdens of Human Rights for Business

by | May 14, 2015

Welcome to RightsUp, a podcast from the Oxford Human Rights Hub. We look at the big human rights issues of the day, bringing in new perspectives from all over the world by talking to experts, academics, practicing lawyers, activists and policy makers who are at the forefront of tackling these difficult issues.

Episode 2: ‘Some Sort of Monster?’: The Benefits and Burdens of Human Rights for Business

Is business a threat to human rights? Or an enabler of human rights? Some see business in our world today as a threat  — institutions that undermine workers’ rights and interfere with governments.  Others see business as an enabler of human rights — job creators, innovators and supporters of social mobility.  So, cutting through these differences, what are the real human rights issues that relate to business? Are human rights a business benefit or burden?

This episode was written, edited and produced by Kira Allmann, Laura Hilly and Max Harris.  With special thanks to Prof Sandra Fredman, Tom Peach and our guests.  Music written and performed by Rosemary Allmann.

Stream Episode 2 below, and don’t forget to subscribe on iTunesU!


United Nations and NGO Documents:

Cases referred to in this podcast:

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