
Military Justice in the Spotlight (Again): R v Edwards in the Supreme Court of Canada

Military Justice in the Spotlight (Again): R v Edwards in the Supreme Court of Canada

Military justice is in the spotlight again with the Supreme Court of Canada’s judgment in R v Edwards [2024] SCC 15, where the majority upheld the constitutionality of Canada’s military...
Le jugement de la Cour d’appel du Québec sur la Loi 21 : le futur incertain des droits fondamentaux

Le jugement de la Cour d’appel du Québec sur la Loi 21 : le futur incertain des droits fondamentaux

Le 29 février 2024, la Cour d’appel du Québec a confirmé la constitutionnalité de la Loi sur la laïcité de l’État, mieux connue sous le nom de « Loi 21...
The Quebec Court of Appeal’s Ruling on Bill 21: The Uncertain Future of Fundamental Rights

The Quebec Court of Appeal’s Ruling on Bill 21: The Uncertain Future of Fundamental Rights

On 29 February 2024, the Quebec Court of Appeal upheld the validity of the Act respecting the laicity of the State, better known as “Bill 21.” This law, passed under...
The Fundamental Rights of Trans and Nonbinary Minors in Schools: Challenges in Canada

The Fundamental Rights of Trans and Nonbinary Minors in Schools: Challenges in Canada

The pernicious instinct to roll back the rights of trans and nonbinary folks for political gain has drifted north from the USA to Canada. Three provinces have recently announced reductions...
Canadian Youth Climate Action Challenge Proceeds to Trial: La Rose v His Majesty the King

Canadian Youth Climate Action Challenge Proceeds to Trial: La Rose v His Majesty the King

As frustration with government inaction grows, youth, especially young women, are occupying positions of leadership and taking governments to court to leverage change. In Canada, where climate change effects are...
Parental Leave, Equality and Dignity in South Africa: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Parental Leave, Equality and Dignity in South Africa: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

On 25 October 2023, the Johannesburg High Court of South Africa in Van Wyk v Minister of Employment and Labour [2023] ZAGPJHC 1213 declared certain provisions of the Basic Conditions...
Silencing the Indigenous Voice: How Australians Have Failed Their Own People Part II

Silencing the Indigenous Voice: How Australians Have Failed Their Own People Part II

The first part of this blog series addressed the background to the referendum and the Constitution of Australia, including how it derives from racially discriminatory beliefs which would later be...
Silencing the Indigenous Voice: How Australians Have Failed Their Own People Part I

Silencing the Indigenous Voice: How Australians Have Failed Their Own People Part I

Last week’s failed referendum affirms the deep-seated racial prejudice embedded in Australia’s public institutions, and demonstrates how this marginalisation continues to be perpetrated by the Australian populace more broadly. Following...
OxHRH Publishes Workbook on the Right to Education

OxHRH Publishes Workbook on the Right to Education

The Oxford Human Rights Hub has published its first Human Rights Workbook on the topic of the Right to Education. The OxHRH Workbook is designed to provide an introduction to...
‘Engagement significatif’ en droit du logement : une nouvelle approche en matière de campements informels au Québec?

‘Engagement significatif’ en droit du logement : une nouvelle approche en matière de campements informels au Québec?

La ville de Montréal fait face à une crise du logement sans précédent. Les personnes en situation d’itinérance rencontrent plusieurs défis sociaux et économiques, dont une menace constante d’évincement de...
Meaningful Engagement in Housing Law: Québec’s New Approach to Informal Settlements?

Meaningful Engagement in Housing Law: Québec’s New Approach to Informal Settlements?

The city of Montreal is facing a growing crisis of homelessness. Individuals who are unhoused face several social and economic challenges, including the constant threat of displacement. In March 2023,...
Consent and Condoms: The Supreme Court of Canada’s Decision in R v Kirkpatrick

Consent and Condoms: The Supreme Court of Canada’s Decision in R v Kirkpatrick

Image Description: The Supreme Court of Canada Building. If you tell your sexual partner that you will only consent to sex if they wear a condom and they do not...

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