Blakeley Decktor

Blakeley Decktor is a Staff Attorney based in Bogota Colombia at Women's Link Worldwide, an international human rights organization that works to promotes the rights of women and girls. Prior to joining Women’s Link she served as a Legal Fellow at the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC). She received her J.D. from City University of New York (CUNY) School of Law in May of 2012. She holds a B.A in Women and Gender Studies and International Studies from the College of New Jersey. |Blakeley Decktor is a Staff Attorney based in Bogota Colombia at Women's Link Worldwide, an international human rights organization that works to promotes the rights of women and girls. Prior to joining Women’s Link she served as a Legal Fellow at the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC). She received her J.D. from City University of New York (CUNY) School of Law in May of 2012. She holds a B.A in Women and Gender Studies and International Studies from the College of New Jersey. |Blakeley Decktor is a Staff Attorney based in Bogota Colombia at Women's Link Worldwide, an international human rights organization that works to promotes the rights of women and girls. Prior to joining Women’s Link she served as a Legal Fellow at the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC). She received her J.D. from City University of New York (CUNY) School of Law in May of 2012. She holds a B.A in Women and Gender Studies and International Studies from the College of New Jersey.

Content by Author

Decisiones ganadoras de los Premios Género y Justicia al Descubierto 2015

Decisiones ganadoras de los Premios Género y Justicia al Descubierto 2015

Los Premios Género y Justicia al Descubierto 2015 han concluido con alrededor de 10,000 votos y aproximadamente 100,000 visitas a las distintas nominaciones (67 en total) de 28 países alrededor del mundo. ¡Conoce aquí las decisiones ...
2015 Gender Justice Uncovered Award Winners

2015 Gender Justice Uncovered Award Winners

The 2015 Gender Justice Uncovered Award winners are in. This year the Awards concluded with over 10,000 votes and 100,000 case views for the 67 nominated decisions across 28 different countries. The hours of tough jury ...
Reino Unido: Tu voto por la igualdad de género

Reino Unido: Tu voto por la igualdad de género

Hasta el 31 de mayo se encuentra abierto el periodo de votaciones de los Premios Género y Justicia al Descubierto. De manera rápida y sencilla, puedes votar más de una vez por la misma decisión y votar todos los días por tus ...
United Kingdom, Time for you to Vote for Gender Equality

United Kingdom, Time for you to Vote for Gender Equality

The voting period for the Gender Justice Uncovered Awards is open until May 31st.  Voting is fast and easy.  You can vote for several cases on the same day and keep coming back to vote for your cases each day!  Vote now for gender ...
La Corte Suprema de Argentina dice que las manos de las mujeres pueden ser utilizadas para algo más que “demostrar sus artes culinarias”

La Corte Suprema de Argentina dice que las manos de las mujeres pueden ser utilizadas para algo más que “demostrar sus artes culinarias”

La Corte Suprema de Argentina ordena a las empresas de transportes cumplir con las obligaciones positivas de no discriminación para asegurar que las mujeres puedan trabajar como conductoras de buses y rechaza los comentarios ...
Argentinian Supreme Court Rules Women’s Hands Can Be Used for More than “Demonstrating their Culinary Skills”

Argentinian Supreme Court Rules Women’s Hands Can Be Used for More than “Demonstrating their Culinary Skills”

Argentinian Supreme Court rules transit companies must fulfill positive obligations of non-discrimination to ensure women are permitted to work as bus drivers, rejecting transit company’s stereotypical comment that their hands should ...
Día Internacional de las Mujeres: Las mujeres y las niñas luchan por la igualdad de género en las cortes

Día Internacional de las Mujeres: Las mujeres y las niñas luchan por la igualdad de género en las cortes

¿Qué mejor ocasión que el Día Internacional de las Mujeres para pedirle a los jueces y juezas que se hagan responsables por las decisiones que toman, porque ellas, para bien o para mal, afectan la vida de las mujeres? Los Premios ...
International Women’s Day: Women and Girls Struggle for Equality in the Courts

International Women’s Day: Women and Girls Struggle for Equality in the Courts

What better time than International Women’s Day to embolden citizens to exercise their power over the judicial process? The Gender Justice Uncovered Awards provide a vehicle for the public to be vigilant with the justice system by ...
Decisiones nominadas para la categoría Garrote en los Premios Género y Justicia al Descubierto 2015 

Decisiones nominadas para la categoría Garrote en los Premios Género y Justicia al Descubierto 2015 

Jueces y juezas de todo el mundo tienen que hacerse responsables de las decisiones discriminatorias que toman y como éstas afectan la vida de las personas, en especial de las mujeres y las niñas. La categoría Garrote de los Premios ...
The ‘Bludgeon’ Nominees in the Gender Justice Uncovered Awards 2015

The ‘Bludgeon’ Nominees in the Gender Justice Uncovered Awards 2015

Judges from all over the world should be held accountable for the discriminatory decisions they issue on matters related to gender equality, and for how these rulings affect the lives of women and girls. The ‘bludgeon’ category in the ...