Guest contributor

Colin Harvey is Professor of Human Rights Law at the School of Law, Queen’s University Belfast|Colin Harvey is Professor of Human Rights Law at the School of Law, Queen’s University Belfast|Colin Harvey is Professor of Human Rights Law at the School of Law, Queen’s University Belfast|Colin Harvey is Professor of Human Rights Law at the School of Law, Queen’s University Belfast

Content by Author

The Agreed Conclusion of CSW57 – Reaffirmation of the Universality of Women’s Human Rights

The Agreed Conclusion of CSW57 – Reaffirmation of the Universality of Women’s Human Rights

Last month we ran a special themed post series on the 57th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW57).  We are delighted to conclude this series with a special extended post from Professor Frances Raday, a Mandate Holder ...
Education suspended, rights infringed

Education suspended, rights infringed

By Jadine Johnson - On Monday, March 25th, ninety-seven students at Leflore High School in Mobile, Alabama were suspended. These students were not suspended for drugs or weapons. They were not fighting or being disruptive. These ...
Supreme Court of Canada Delivers Judgment in Hate Speech Case

Supreme Court of Canada Delivers Judgment in Hate Speech Case

By Lauren Dancer- In Saskatchewan (Human Rights Commission) v. Whatcott 2013 SCC 11the Supreme Court of Canada considered whether s 14(1)(b) of The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code which prohibits the publication of any representation ...
Freedom of political communication and offensive speech in Australia

Freedom of political communication and offensive speech in Australia

By Boxun Yin - In Monis v The Queen [2013] HCA 4, the High Court of Australia considered the unique Australian doctrine of "implied freedom of political communication". As Australia lacks a statutory or constitutional bill of rights, ...
Australian Discrimination Law Reform Abandoned by Government

Australian Discrimination Law Reform Abandoned by Government

By Dominique Allen - Late last year, I wrote about the proposed changes to modernise Australia’s ageing anti-discrimination laws which, unlike most of their overseas equivalents, have stagnated since they commenced operation. Today, ...
Prisoner Voting and the Rule of Law: The Irony of Non-Compliance

Prisoner Voting and the Rule of Law: The Irony of Non-Compliance

By John Hirst - Prisoners’ voting rights remain a vexed issue in the United Kingdom. Following the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) decision in Hirst v UK (No 2),the United Kingdom was given until 22 November 2012 to repeal ...
The Strasbourg Court, the ‘Exhaustion of Domestic Remedies’ Rule, and the Principle of Subsidiarity: Between a Rock and a Hard Place?

The Strasbourg Court, the ‘Exhaustion of Domestic Remedies’ Rule, and the Principle of Subsidiarity: Between a Rock and a Hard Place?

By Natasha Simonsen - The recent judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in Er & Ors v Turkey illustrates the tension between the principle of the subsidiarity and the trend in the Court’s case law towards relaxation of ...
Contesting Refugee Status Cessation: The Rwandan Case

Contesting Refugee Status Cessation: The Rwandan Case

By Kelly O'Connor - The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) recommends that the refugee status of all Rwandans who fled the country between 1959 and 1998 should cease in June 2013. Rwandan officials argue that the ...
The Challenge of Human Security

The Challenge of Human Security

By John Bond OAM In September 2012 the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on Human Security, which it describes as ‘an approach to assist Member States in addressing widespread challenges to the survival, livelihood and ...
Fight hunger and discrimination by empowering women – Olivier De Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food

Fight hunger and discrimination by empowering women – Olivier De Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food

In rural areas around the world it is often men who migrate first to cities in search of waged labour. When they do so, it falls to women to sustain small-scale farms – and with them the food security of families and entire ...
Development and Conflict

Development and Conflict

One does not need to look for long for examples of conflict impacting on development.  Take the case of Mali: a year ago, conflict in the north of the country and a military coup detailed two decades of constitutional government and ...
Women’s Rights in the Gulf Cooperation Council: A Dialogue

Women’s Rights in the Gulf Cooperation Council: A Dialogue

By Nazila Ghanea - On Wednesday 27 February the Women’s Rights Research Seminar (WRRS) at Oxford held its last seminar of the term.  The seminar took a new form and was entitled: “Women’s Rights in the GCC: A Dialogue”. The ...