Immigration and Asylum
Emilie McDonnell on the Nationality and Borders Bill
The ‘Crimmigration’ of Sri Lankan Tamil Refugees in India
Image description: Sri Lankan refugees in India. Many of them hold pieces of paper in their hand. India has engaged in the practice of granting temporary asylum to refugees from...
Mobility and Sanctuary: How to Revive Asylum in Europe
Image Description: Vehicles with Ukrainian civilians wait at the border checkpoint with Hungary. A Border Patrol Officer is checking the identification documents. In the ‘global north’, successive waves of anti-refugee...
Visas for Surrogates: Acknowledging Familial Bonds between Surrogates, Intended Parents, and Children
Image Description: Surrogate parents attending the birth of the child in the hospital with the gestational mother. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has brought into focus the vulnerabilities of surrogates gestating...
British Citizenship: Precious, Costly, and Precarious
Image description: A scene at a British citizenship ceremony, with one person dressed in red robes standing at a podium, another person reading out of a file and the British...
Women in Malaysia Can Now Pass on Citizenship to Overseas-Born Children
Image description: A woman with a passport in hand. On 27 September 2021, the Kuala Lumpur High Court in Suraini Kempe & Ors v the Government of Malaysia & Ors...
UK High Court Grants Discretionary Leave to Remain for Victims of Trafficking
Image description: Several persons approaching the coastline on a small boat. On 12 October 2021, in KTT, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department...
The Nationality and Borders Bill has Passed the Commons, With the UK Set to Renege on Fundamental Protections for Asylum Seekers and Migrants
Last Wednesday, the Nationality and Borders Bill – fittingly dubbed the “Anti-refugee bill”– passed its third reading in the House of Commons, 298 ayes to 231 noes. The Borders Bill...
Assessing Vulnerability: Asylum Seekers with Disabilities in Direct Provision in Ireland
Asylum seekers with disabilities are largely invisible in the international protection system in Ireland. They face multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination as asylum seekers in Ireland’s Direct Provision system,...
Afghanistan Crisis and Inadequate Indian Refugee Policy
The speed with which the Taliban seized Afghanistan as American forces withdrew has plunged Afghanistan into a humanitarian crisis. Major countries have swiftly responded to this humanitarian crisis. For example,...
BIICL Short Course: International Migration and Refugee Law
5 Sessions: 04, 11, 18, 25 October and 01 November, 13:00 – 15:00 (UK Time) This course offers a unique overview of international migration and refugee law, linking theory and...