Sinking hopes? Climate Change Refugees in New Zealand
New Zealand’s Immigration and Protection Tribunal recently considered a “climate change refugee” case under its relatively new jurisdiction, which includes protection under the ICCPR as well as the Refugee Convention....
New Bill Shifts Focus to Survivors of Human Trafficking
Earlier this year, I interviewed a group of young Bangladeshi men who had been trafficked into Scotland to work in the hotel services industry. They had been deceived, abused, exploited...
Disenfranchising the Disenfranchised? – Appeal Rights in the Immigration Bill 2013
The first immigration bill to be published in four years was introduced in the House of Commons on 10 October 2013. The long title – ‘… to limit … access...
Al-Jedda: Judicial Commitment to the Universal Application of the Right to a Nationality
The Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 provides that the Secretary of State may, as a general rule, deprive an individual of British citizenship where she is satisfied that this...
The Price of Rights: Regulating International Labor Migration
There are trade-offs in the labour immigration policies of high-income countries between openness to admitting migrant workers and some of the rights granted to migrants after admission. This is a...
Quashing Legislation Mandating Lengthy Detention of Asylum-seekers: A Resolute yet Cautious Israeli Supreme Court Judgment
The Israeli Supreme Court, sitting as a High Court of Justice, handed down a unanimous judgment quashing the 2012 Law for the Prevention of Infiltration (amendment no. 3 and temporary...
Indirectly Sending the Citizen Into Exile? The Relevance of British Citizenship to Proportionality Under Article 8 ECHR
Judgment in R (oao MM & Ors) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2013] EWHC 1900 (Admin) was delivered on 5 July 2013 by Blake J. The judgment...
Refugee rights and the lucky country: Does Australia’s regional resettlement plan violate human rights?
Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has announced that people who come by boat to Australia and claim asylum will be transferred to detention facilities at Manus Island in Papua New...
John Eekelaar on the response to Abu Qatada’s deportation
It is depressing that some politicians are using the Abu Qatada case to denigrate our system for protecting human rights when we should be thankful that it has shown the...
John Eekelaar on the response to Abu Qatada's deportation
It is depressing that some politicians are using the Abu Qatada case to denigrate our system for protecting human rights when we should be thankful that it has shown the...
Alternatives to Detention: Evidence from Canada and Switzerland
This is republished from Border Criminologies: Foreigners in a Carceral Age A new report in the UNHCR Legal and Protection Police Research Series co-authored by Cathryn Costello and Esra Kaytaz...
Between a Crocodile and a Snake: Racism and religious intolerance in Burma
By Benedict Rogers Benedict Rogers will be speaking in Oxford this Thursday, 2 May. Click here for more information on the Event “Racism in Burma: Silent Persecution of the Rohingya”...