Advancing Environmental Justice: The Supreme Court of Kenya holds State Agencies Accountable for Environmental Harm in Owino-Uhuru case
On 6th December 2024, the Supreme Court of Kenya affirmed the constitutional rights to a Clean and Healthy Environment and the highest Sustainable Standard of Health Care and Sanitation as...
When ‘National Interest’ leads to Ecocide: The Unseen Constitutional Violation of Environmental Laws in Bangladesh
In the largest delta in the world, Bangladesh, the environmental safeguarding mechanism consists of nearly 200 laws. Yet, the country has faced severe environmental degradation over the last few decades,...
Business and Human Rights: A Cautious and Promising Interpretation of the French Vigilance Law
In rulings issued on 18 June 2024, the Paris Court of Appeal deemed admissible the actions brought by several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) against the French multinationals TotalEnergy and EDF on...
In Search of Lost Climes: the Historic Litigation in Navahine v Hawai‘i
In what has been described as a ‘world first’ in constitutional climate litigation, youth plaintiffs from Hawai‘i have secured a historic Settlement Agreement that underscores both the realities of climate...
Constitutionalising Climate Action: India’s Supreme Court Decision on the Protection against Climate Change
Should climate change safeguards be enshrined as a human right? India’s Supreme Court seems to have resounded a definitive ‘yes’ in the case of M K Ranjitsinh and Others v...
Quelle responsabilité étatique en matière de changements climatiques? Réflexions sur l’affaire Klimaseniorinnen
Quelle est la portée des obligations des États en matière de changement climatique ? Le 9 avril 2024, la Grande Chambre de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme (CEDH)...
Defining States’ Responsibility for Climate Change: Insights from the ECtHR’s Klimaseniorinnen Case
What is the scope of States’ obligations regarding climate change? On 9 April 2024, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) issued a landmark ruling addressing...
Green Reparations at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: The La Oroya Judgment
The La Oroya judgment, delivered by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) on 27 November 2023, but only published late March 2024, constitutes an important legal first in the...
Waiting for Godot No More: The Climate Crisis and the New European Asylum Pact
To many born in the 1990s, climate change was akin to Godot: the figure conjured by Beckett whose influence was omnipresent, but whose appearance, anticipated as it was, never came...
Pacific Island Countries Make Historic Submissions to the International Court of Justice Climate Change Advisory Opinion
March marks a major moment for the Pacific. After nearly a year since the General Assembly adopted a landmark resolution requesting an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice...
Climate change in Strasbourg: a big victory for the human-rights agenda through the rigorous application of international human-rights law
All major challenges facing Europe today have a human-rights dimension, which sooner or later the ECtHR will be invited to examine. The Court, of course, provides legal answers to legal...
The European Court of Human Rights’ Gendered Climate Docket: KlimaSeniorinnen and Duarte Agostinho
The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) just announced that the judgments in all three climate cases before the Grand Chamber will be issued on 9 April: Verein KlimaSeniorinnen v...