Mater semper certa non est. The Court of Padua rejects the Prosecutor’s appeal against the birth certificates of children with two mothers
On 1 February 2024 the Court of Padua rejected the appeal lodged in June 2023 by the Prosecutor seeking to correct more than thirty birth certificates of children, who were...
Mater semper certa non est. Il Tribunale si Padova respinge il ricorso del Pubblico Ministero per la modifica dei certificati di nascita contenenti l’indicazione di due madri
Il 1º febbraio 2024 il Tribunale di Padova ha respinto il ricorso presentato nel giugno 2023 dal Pubblico Ministero, con cui questi chiedeva di correggere più di trenta certificati di...
Italy’s “Hard Prison”Regime and its Human Rights Implications
The case of Alfredo Cospito, an anarchist who remained on a “41-bis” detention regime despite a 6-month long hunger strike, has reignited the debate on the compatibility of the Italian...
What do Rivers have to do with Human Rights? A Spotlight on Recent Problems
Image description: A map showing the extent of drought alerts in Europe in July 2022, with most of the region in shades of orange or red A few weeks ago...
Request for UN Inquiry into Italy’s role in the Torture of Migrants and Refugees Pulled-Back to Libya
Human rights violations of migrants and refugees intercepted in the Central Mediterranean, and detained in Libya, are well-documented. Reports on Italy’s active involvement in this pull-back practice are growing. Is...