
Rajasthan’s Right To Health Act: A Case of Using the Wrong Means to Achieve the Right Ends

Rajasthan’s Right To Health Act: A Case of Using the Wrong Means to Achieve the Right Ends

The landmark Rajasthan Right to Health Act makes access to healthcare a legal entitlement of every resident of the State. Crucially, the Act provides for the right to free treatment,...
The Inadequacy of India’s Integrated Child Protection Scheme In Responding to Juvenile Delinquency

The Inadequacy of India’s Integrated Child Protection Scheme In Responding to Juvenile Delinquency

India’s Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) is a centrally sponsored scheme for children in need of care and protection, first implemented in 2009. THE ICPS ostensibly adopts a preventative approach...
Public Purpose or Private Interest? The Supreme Court of India’s Scrutiny of Land Acquisition for a University Project in Tribal Areas

Public Purpose or Private Interest? The Supreme Court of India’s Scrutiny of Land Acquisition for a University Project in Tribal Areas

The Supreme Court of India recently delivered a landmark judgment in Anil Agarwal Foundation Etc v State of Orissa & Ors, quashing the land acquisition proceedings initiated by the State...
Horizontal Reservation for India’s Transgender Community: Can the Supreme Court Deliver?

Horizontal Reservation for India’s Transgender Community: Can the Supreme Court Deliver?

India’s queer community is struggling to realise its civil rights on multiple fronts. The Indian Supreme Court has begun hearing petitions on marriage equality from a panoply of petitioners, including...
Violation of Administrative and Fundamental Rights by banning BBC Documentary in India

Violation of Administrative and Fundamental Rights by banning BBC Documentary in India

On 21 January 2023, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting directed YouTube and Twitter to censor BBC’s documentary “India: The Modi Question”, a two-part series that explores the escalating hostility...
Depathologising Gender Identity at the United Nations: A Call to South Africa

Depathologising Gender Identity at the United Nations: A Call to South Africa

On 29 March 2023, a cross-regional group of countries led by Argentina, called for United Nations Member States to implement laws and policies based on self-determined gender identity. This reform...
Upholding the Right to Shelter: The Need for a Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy in Eviction and Demolition Drives in India

Upholding the Right to Shelter: The Need for a Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy in Eviction and Demolition Drives in India

The Supreme Court of India stayed the Order of the Uttarakhand High Court directing removal of occupants from lands claimed by the Railways in Haldwani, noting “…there cannot be uprooting...
Protection from Procedural Lapses as Reasonable Accommodation

Protection from Procedural Lapses as Reasonable Accommodation

One of the principles underpinning the Rights of Persons with Disability Act, 2016 (“the Disability Act”) in India is empowerment of persons with disabilities (PwDs) through their independence. Not only...
Karnataka Hijab Ban Part 3: Unveiling the Need for an Intersectional Approach

Karnataka Hijab Ban Part 3: Unveiling the Need for an Intersectional Approach

This post continues the analysis of the ban on hijabs within the classroom in Karnataka, India (see also Part One and Part Two). Intersectional discrimination is at the core of...
Karnataka Hijab Ban Part 2: The Irrelevant Relevance of Essential Religious Practices Test

Karnataka Hijab Ban Part 2: The Irrelevant Relevance of Essential Religious Practices Test

This blog continues Part 1 of the exploration of the Karnataka hijab case. The question of whether the wearing of hijabs is an essential religious practice (ERP) for Muslim women...
Karnataka Hijab Ban Part 1: An Unveiling

Karnataka Hijab Ban Part 1: An Unveiling

This is a 3-part blog on the Hijab ban case in India. Part 1 traces the journey of the Hijab ban order, from the first incident in Udupi to the...
The Indian Supreme Court on Affirmative Action for the Upper Caste Poor – Part II

The Indian Supreme Court on Affirmative Action for the Upper Caste Poor – Part II

Image Description: A small signage which says ‘Reserved’. In this post, I continue to engage with the Indian Supreme Court’s decision in Janhit Abhiyan v Union of India. For an...

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