Quelle responsabilité étatique en matière de changements climatiques? Réflexions sur l’affaire Klimaseniorinnen
Quelle est la portée des obligations des États en matière de changement climatique ? Le 9 avril 2024, la Grande Chambre de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme (CEDH)...
Defining States’ Responsibility for Climate Change: Insights from the ECtHR’s Klimaseniorinnen Case
What is the scope of States’ obligations regarding climate change? On 9 April 2024, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) issued a landmark ruling addressing...
Direct Democracy in Action: Swiss Voters Decide to Augment the Statutory Old Age Pension
On 3 March 2024, Swiss voters decided in favour of a 13th Old-Age and Survivors’ Insurance (OASI) payment per year, but against gradually raising the statutory retirement age. For the...
Die direkte Demokratie in Aktion: Die Schweizer Stimmbevölkerung entscheidet zugunsten einer Erhöhung der gesetzlichen Altersrente
Am 3. März 2024 hat sich die Schweizer Stimmbevölkerung für eine dreizehnte jährliche Zahlung der Alters- und Hinterbliebenenversicherung (AHV), aber gegen eine schrittweise Erhöhung des gesetzlichen Rentenalters ausgesprochen. Zum ersten...
La démocratie directe en action : Les électeurs suisses décident d’augmenter la rente de vieillesse de l’Etat
Le 3 mars 2024, les électeurs suisses se sont prononcés en faveur d’un treizième versement annuel de l’assurance vieillesse et survivants (AVS), mais contre le relèvement progressif de l’âge légal...
Climate change in Strasbourg: a big victory for the human-rights agenda through the rigorous application of international human-rights law
All major challenges facing Europe today have a human-rights dimension, which sooner or later the ECtHR will be invited to examine. The Court, of course, provides legal answers to legal...
The European Court of Human Rights’ Gendered Climate Docket: KlimaSeniorinnen and Duarte Agostinho
The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) just announced that the judgments in all three climate cases before the Grand Chamber will be issued on 9 April: Verein KlimaSeniorinnen v...
Semenya v Switzerland: Divided ECtHR Significantly Advances the Human Rights Protection for Intersex Athletes (and all professional sportspeople in general) – Part II
Part I of this blog (available here) discussed the facts of the case and laid down the jurisdiction issue. Part II continues the discussion on procedural view and elaborates on...
Semenya v Switzerland: Divided ECtHR Significantly Advances the Human Rights Protection for Intersex Athletes (and all professional sportspeople in general) – Part I
Should women with variations of sex characteristics be excluded from professional women’s sports competitions? In recent years, this question has spurred considerable controversy around the globe. In July 2023, the...
Figel’ v Slovakia: Potential landmark ECtHR decision on COVID-19 related restrictions to religious freedom
The COVID-19 pandemic introduced a period of unprecedented restrictions to fundamental rights, unthinkable no less than five years ago: freedom of movement, assembly, and expression, and the right to private...
What’s next in Climate Litigation before the European Court of Human Rights? Duarte Agostinho and Others v Portugal and 32 other States
On 29 March 2023, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) heard its first two climate cases (Verein Klima Seniorinnen and Others v Switzerland and Carême v France). Meanwhile, another...
What do Rivers have to do with Human Rights? A Spotlight on Recent Problems
Image description: A map showing the extent of drought alerts in Europe in July 2022, with most of the region in shades of orange or red A few weeks ago...