The 2024 Paris Olympics: AI Mass Surveillance Under the Upcoming EU AI Act
Drafting legislation that spans 27 countries has always been a formidable challenge for the European Union’s legislators. The proposed 2003 Artificial Intelligence Act [AI Act] has ushered in a new...
The Wait is Coming to an End: The Brazilian Supreme Court’s Promising Opportunity to Finally Decriminalise Abortion up to 12 Weeks
In September 2023, a key event changed the direction of discussions about the criminalisation of abortion in Brazil: Justice Rosa Weber, rapporteur of ADPF 442 –Brazilian acronym for “Claim of...
Neurorights: safeguarding human autonomy and dignity in the age of neurotechnology
A ground-breaking recent publication has detailed the first use of fMRI – in conjunction with a novel brain computer interface – to “decode language”. This has enabled the reconstruction of...
Access to Abortion at the Federal Level: Another Step Towards Reproductive Justice in Mexico
The Mexican Supreme Court of Justice’s recent ruling on abortion is a landmark decision promoting reproductive justice for women in the country. Not only does the Court clearly develop the...
Maymulakhin and Markiv v Ukraine: Perspectives on Same-Sex Relations in Ukraine in Light of the European Court of Human Rights’ Decision
Since the publication of our previous blog post about perspectives on same-sex marriage legalization in Ukraine, an online petition about this issue, submitted to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, has received...
Unpacking India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Act: A New Dawn or a False Start?
The Government of India recently passed the Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023, with the primary purpose of regulating the processing and protection of individuals’ personal data, whilst laying down...
Figel’ v Slovakia: Potential landmark ECtHR decision on COVID-19 related restrictions to religious freedom
The COVID-19 pandemic introduced a period of unprecedented restrictions to fundamental rights, unthinkable no less than five years ago: freedom of movement, assembly, and expression, and the right to private...
Protecting the Free Speech of Companies? The US Supreme Court decision in 303 Creative LLC v Elenis
In 303 Creative LLC et al. v Elenis, the US Supreme Court held that the petitioners were entitled to refuse to provide wedding website services in respect of same sex...
Redefining Intimacy and Individual Liberties: Unravelling the Kiran Rawat Judgment
In a shocking recent judgement Kiran Rawat v State of UP, the High Court of Allahabad, India dismissed a writ petition from a cohabiting couple. The couple sought to safeguard...
El principio de proporcionalidad y la protección de los derechos reproductivos en el Tribunal Constitucional Español
En contraste con los recientes retrocesos de las protecciones del derecho al aborto, como la derogación de Roe vs Wade en Estados Unidos, el Tribunal Constitucional (TC) español recientemente protegió...
Protecting Reproductive Rights: A Balancing Exercise for the Spanish Constitutional Court
In stark contrast to recent regressions on abortion rights, including the fall of Roe v Wade in the USA, the Spanish Constitutional Court lately signalled greater protections for reproductive rights,...
The Need to Revisit Indian Consent Paradigms for the Storage and Use of Digitalized Biological Data
The Indian Biological Data Center, established in 2022, is India’s first life sciences data repository. The IndiGen Programme aimed to sequence the genomic data of 1,000 individuals in India and...