Creation of a Genetic Bank in India: Unconstitutional and Threat to Human Rights
The DNA Technology (Use and Application) Regulation Bill seeks to facilitate the application of DNA-based forensic technologies in the administration of law and justice in India, by enabling the use...
Youth Led Litigation Highlights the Intergenerational Impact of Climate Change
The impact of dangerous climate change on our children and future generations has been highlighted by campaigns around the world such as Fridays for Future, which grew out of Greta...
Minority Vilification: Redress for Community Members
On 16 February 2021, the European Court of Human Rights delivered landmark judgments against Bulgaria regarding ethnic minority berating: Behar and Gutman; Budinova and Chaprazov. The Court found violations of...
Monitoring of employees’ electronic communications: Recent case-law in Turkey
The Turkish Constitutional Court recently delivered a judgment in the individual application of Celal Oraj Altunörgü concerning the monitoring of the employees’ electronic communications. The Court found the legal requirements...
Hong Kong: Anti-Mask Law Held Constitutional (but please wear a mask for COVID-19)
The Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal (“HKCFA”) recently held that the Prohibition on Face Covering Regulation(“PFCR”) was constitutional. The PFCR was introduced by the Chief Executive in Council on...
Czech Constitutional Court: No Recognition of Foreign Adoption by Same-Sex Couples
The recent decision of the Czech Constitutional Court (‘CCC’), Pl. ÚS 6/20, against allowing recognition of foreign adoption decisions in Czechia is harmful in outcome and evasive and formalistic in...
When data protection eclipses national security: Brazil’s Supreme Court leans towards unconstitutionality of ministerial dossier on antifascists
In June 2020, the headline “classified governmental action aims at antifascist professors and police officers” was published by a Brazilian newspaper of national circulation. According to the outlet, the Ministry...
Use of Facial Recognition Technology in India: A Function Creep Breaching Privacy
Criminal investigation has become convenient for the law enforcement agencies after the advent of “Facial Recognition Technology” (FRT) in India. Regardless of its benefits, it’s a threat to privacy and...
Sealing the Records of Irish Institutional Abuse
The Irish Oireachtas (parliament) has passed controversial legislation relating to the Mother and Baby Homes Commission archives. The Commission’s report should be published by the end of the year. It...
The Unconstitutionality of the “Publication of Notice of Intended Marriage” clause under the Indian Special Marriage Act
The Special Marriage Act was enacted in 1954 to allow citizens of India to solemnize inter-faith and inter-caste marriages without the need to renounce their religion. The Supreme Court of...
Ensuring the lawfulness of automated facial recognition surveillance in the UK
In R(Bridges) v South Wales Police, the England and Wales Court of Appeal reviewed the lawfulness of the use of live automated facial recognition technology (‘AFR’) by the South Wales...
Supreme Court of Pakistan grants federal government the power to arbitrarily restrict mobile services
The federal government of Pakistan often issues directions to suspend cellular mobile services, ostensibly for reasons of national security. Mobile services (2G/3G/4G/LTE) are usually ordered to be suspended on specified...