Right to Privacy

Defending Privacy on a Global Scale: The Task of the Century

Defending Privacy on a Global Scale: The Task of the Century

Ever since Edward Snowden revealed the existence of the United States’ and other governments’ massive and indiscriminate citizen surveillance system, various actors and organizations have attempted to document, discuss and...
The Draft Investigatory Powers Bill: A (Somewhat) Different Balance Between Privacy and Security

The Draft Investigatory Powers Bill: A (Somewhat) Different Balance Between Privacy and Security

Recently it seems as though you can hardly get away from government mass surveillance programs (no pun intended). They even make an appearance in the latest James Bond film (as...
Couderc and Hachette Filipacchi Associés v. France: A New “Respect” for Private Life?

Couderc and Hachette Filipacchi Associés v. France: A New “Respect” for Private Life?

On 10 November 2015, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) handed down judgment in the case of Couderc and Hachette Filipacchi Associés v France. The...
The Safe Harbour Decision May be a Reaction Against the Snowdon Revelations, but the Direction of Travel is Clear

The Safe Harbour Decision May be a Reaction Against the Snowdon Revelations, but the Direction of Travel is Clear

Data protection law, once the preserve of tragic anoraks with too much time on their hands (in the words of one prominent practitioner) has in recent months become a powerful...
Your Facebook Data Just Got a Lot More Secure- Dissecting the Safe Harbor Decision of the CJEU

Your Facebook Data Just Got a Lot More Secure- Dissecting the Safe Harbor Decision of the CJEU

For fifteen years companies on both sides of the Atlantic relied on Commission Decision 2000/520 (“Commission Decision”) to transfer personal data of EU citizens to USA data centres, until the...
Tackling Moral Policing in Mumbai: A Human Rights Approach

Tackling Moral Policing in Mumbai: A Human Rights Approach

In the latest news on moral policing, earlier this month the Mumbai police conducted a round of raids across lodges, resorts and hotels in the holiday region of Madh Island...
R (Davis): Rights in Communications Data and Constitutional Evolution

R (Davis): Rights in Communications Data and Constitutional Evolution

Much ink has been spilt of late over the mass surveillance programs run by western intelligence agencies. A separate, but related, matter of concern for privacy campaigners has been legislation...
Constitutional Reasoning About Same-Sex Marriage

Constitutional Reasoning About Same-Sex Marriage

By including same-sex couples within the constitutional right to marry, the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in Obergefell v. Hodges (26th June 2015) is of great practical significance. It...
Single Mothers, Absent Fathers and the Best Interests of the Child: Drawing a Fine Balance in the ABC Case

Single Mothers, Absent Fathers and the Best Interests of the Child: Drawing a Fine Balance in the ABC Case

India is a country where religious rights of different communities are constitutionally protected. However adoption is legally permitted only for the Hindu community. Such adoptions are regulated by the Hindu...
Grand Chamber of the ECtHR to Review Limitations on Choice of Birthplace for Women

Grand Chamber of the ECtHR to Review Limitations on Choice of Birthplace for Women

Dubská and Krejzová v the Czech Republic has been referred to the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights after the successful submission of the League of Human...
US Supreme Court Requires Recognition of Marriage Equality

US Supreme Court Requires Recognition of Marriage Equality

The US Supreme Court has ruled, in Obergefell, by a 5-4 majority, that the Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution requires States to license same-sex marriage, and to recognise same-sex...
The ‘Anderson Report’ on Surveillance Powers Fudges the Issues, but its Findings Should be Implemented

The ‘Anderson Report’ on Surveillance Powers Fudges the Issues, but its Findings Should be Implemented

Pressure on the government to reform the use of surveillance powers within the UK has recently ratcheted up another notch. A few months ago the Intelligence and Security Committee of...

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