Right to Privacy

The Liberty-Equality Debate: Comparing the Lawrence and  Naz Foundation Rulings

The Liberty-Equality Debate: Comparing the Lawrence and Naz Foundation Rulings

Last month marked the 10 year anniversary of Lawrence v Texas, where the US Supreme Court ruled that laws that criminalised sodomy were unconstitutional. Like June 26 2013, June 26...
Internet surveillance in English law

Internet surveillance in English law

This is partially based on Ian Brown (2012) ‘Government Access to Private-Sector Data in the United Kingdom’ International Data Privacy Law 2 (4) 230-238 For the past fortnight, the media...
Mobile Phone Evidence: Implications for Privacy in South African Law

Mobile Phone Evidence: Implications for Privacy in South African Law

Contemporary criminal investigations, particularly in cases of conspiracy and joint participation, routinely include search and seizure of mobile phones and access of their stored electronic data. This prompts two questions:...
US National Security Agency Surveillance: A Problem of “Allegality”

US National Security Agency Surveillance: A Problem of “Allegality”

The recent revelations about the surveillance activities of the US National Security Agency are an excellent example of one of the most intractable challenges facing legal systems and human rights...
Parents’ sexual orientation and children rights– coming out in Chile and the ICHR: Atala Riffo v Chile

Parents’ sexual orientation and children rights– coming out in Chile and the ICHR: Atala Riffo v Chile

Atala Riffo e hijas vs. Chile, a case in which the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (ICHR) condemned the stigmatisation and stereotyping of homosexual parents, is one of two landmark...
Studying Human Rights, Law and Practice

Studying Human Rights, Law and Practice

By Laurence Lustgarten After a busy two weeks on the blog, Laurence Lustgarten asks us to step back and reflect on the study of human rights. ‘Human rights’ is a...
Decriminalizing Adultery: Eliminating Discrimination and Violence against Women

Decriminalizing Adultery: Eliminating Discrimination and Violence against Women

By Frances Raday The UN Working Group (WG) on discrimination against women in law and practice has issued a call to Governments to repeal laws criminalizing adultery. The WG notes...

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