The View Beyond Brexit: Equality Rights in Northern Ireland After Divorce (with Evelyn Collins)
The EU has played an important role both internationally and domestically in EU member states, in developing and protecting equality rights in the interest of ensuring peace and security. UK...
The Impact of Brexit on Human Rights in Northern Ireland (with Colin Harvey)
On December 8 2017, news broke that the UK has reached a deal with the EU. Theresa May announced that there would be no hard border between Ireland and Northern...
Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave… The EU (Withdrawal) Bill 2017-19 and Human Rights post Brexit: Part 2
In a blog post yesterday, I looked at the consequences of the EU (Withdrawal) Bill for human rights protection in the UK. In this post, I will evaluate what this...
Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave… The EU (Withdrawal) Bill 2017-19 and Human Rights post Brexit: Part 1
The EU (Withdrawal) Bill had its first reading in the British House of Commons on 13 July 2017, and is due to have its second reading on 7 September 2017....
A Precarious Future? Examining the UK Human Rights Act (with Sir Keir Starmer)
The Human Rights Act incorporated the rights guaranteed in the European Convention on Human Rights into UK law. In this episode, we look at the Human Rights Act in a...
The White Paper on the Great Repeal Bill: Part III – More Bad News
This is the final post on the human rights implications of the White Paper on the Great Repeal Bill. The first post argued that there was some good news to...
The White Paper on the Great Repeal Bill: Part II – Bad News
In a previous post, I argued that there was some good news to take from the White Paper on the Great Repeal Bill. However, there are two main elements of...
The White Paper on the Great Repeal Bill: Part I – Good News
On Thursday 30 March, David Davis, the Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, gave a statement in the House of Commons announcing the publication of a White Paper...
After Miller: Legislating for Constitutional and Democratic Legitimacy
In Miller, the Supreme Court ruled by majority that ministers have no prerogative power to invoke article 50(2) of the Treaty on European Union (TEU). The European Communities Act 1972...
The EU (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill: Bargaining Chips on the Commons Table
On 8th February, the EU (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill passed Third Reading in the House of Commons, by 494 votes to 122. MPs rejected all amendments to the 133-word Bill....
Miller, the European Union Withdrawal Bill, and the Non-explanatory Notes
In her blog posting of January 24th 2017 about the decision of the Supreme Court in the Miller case, Professor Sandra Fredman very rightly observed that:- ‘One of the most...
A Conversation on the Human Rights Implications of Brexit
On 31 January 2017, OxHRH, together with the Public Law Discussion Group, the Programme for the Foundations of Constitutional Law and Government, and the Bonavero Insttiute of Human Rights hosted...