European Convention on Human Rights

An ever-present past: The Troubles and Their Human Rights Dimension

An ever-present past: The Troubles and Their Human Rights Dimension

For the past few months, continental Europe has become increasingly aware of the intricacies surrounding Northern Ireland’s past. Yet, the perspective of the outsider, shaped by the Brexit negotiations, seems...
Beghal v UK: Stop and Search at the Border Violates Article 8 ECHR

Beghal v UK: Stop and Search at the Border Violates Article 8 ECHR

Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 allows police officers at ports or border areas to question individuals for the purpose of determining whether they are a terrorist, as defined...
The Extremism Database is in Breach of the European Convention on Human Rights

The Extremism Database is in Breach of the European Convention on Human Rights

On 24 January 2019, the European Court of Human Rights (the ECtHR) delivered its judgment in the case of Catt v. the UK and found that police powers to retain...
And then there were none: the decline of the right to access a lawyer?

And then there were none: the decline of the right to access a lawyer?

On 9 November 2018, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) ruled in Beuze v Belgium that withholding a suspect’s right to legal assistance during police...
The European Court of Human Rights’ judgment in Molla Sali: A call for Greece to modernise its system for national-minority protection?

The European Court of Human Rights’ judgment in Molla Sali: A call for Greece to modernise its system for national-minority protection?

Greece is one of eight Council of Europe member states not to have ratified the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. It has, nevertheless, kept in place a...
LBGT+ Rights in The EU

LBGT+ Rights in The EU

This blog is the second in a series that takes a snapshot of where LGBT+ rights are in 2018, as a result of some recent significant decisions across the Americas,...
Religious symbols in schools: Passive and harmless or a powerful threat?

Religious symbols in schools: Passive and harmless or a powerful threat?

In Lautsi v Italy (2012), the applicant argued that the presence of crucifixes in state school classrooms violated students’ Article 9 ECHR right to religious freedom, but the ECtHR deemed...
Missing Babies in Serbia: Monetary Reparations Are Not Enough

Missing Babies in Serbia: Monetary Reparations Are Not Enough

On March 26, 2013, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg declared that Serbia must provide a mechanism for individual redress to thousands of parents whose newborn babies...
A Human Right to Divorce?

A Human Right to Divorce?

The case of Owens v Owens rocked the legal world in late July, when the Supreme Court decided that Tini Owens could not divorce her husband, despite the court recognising...
Landmark judgment on PSPO Regime has Significant Repercussions for Freedom of Expression

Landmark judgment on PSPO Regime has Significant Repercussions for Freedom of Expression

On 2 July 2018, the High Court handed down judgment in Dulgheriu v London Boroughof Ealing [2018] EWHC 1667 (Admin). The case provides crucial insight into the ever lowering threshold...
“A New Form of Discrimination”: Civil Partnerships for Different-Sex Couples in the UK Supreme Court

“A New Form of Discrimination”: Civil Partnerships for Different-Sex Couples in the UK Supreme Court

Civil partnerships were introduced by the New Labour government in the UK in 2005 to give same-sex couples many of the protections and rights afforded to married couples without actually...
Landmark Judgment for Women’s Rights

Landmark Judgment for Women’s Rights

The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom concluded on the 7th June 2018 that Northern Ireland’s laws on termination of pregnancy are incompatible with human rights. More specifically, in situations...

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