Inter-American Convention on Human Rights

Green Reparations at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: The La Oroya Judgment

Green Reparations at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: The La Oroya Judgment

The La Oroya judgment, delivered by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) on 27 November 2023, but only published late March 2024, constitutes an important legal first in the...
The dark side of amnesty laws: impunity guaranteed. The case of Nicaragua

The dark side of amnesty laws: impunity guaranteed. The case of Nicaragua

Amnesty laws can, in principle, be an acceptable transitional justice mechanism. It is sometimes the case that, due to lack of resources or political instability, criminal prosecutions are not a...
El lado oscuro de las leyes de amnistía: impunidad garantizada. El caso de Nicaragua

El lado oscuro de las leyes de amnistía: impunidad garantizada. El caso de Nicaragua

Las leyes de amnistía son, en principio, herramientas de justicia transicional perfectamente aceptables. En ocasiones, debido a factores tales como escasez de recursos o inestabilidad política, no es posible juzgar...
#JusticiaparaBeatriz Beatriz vs El Salvador – a Matter of Equality and Case Law Consistency

#JusticiaparaBeatriz Beatriz vs El Salvador – a Matter of Equality and Case Law Consistency

The case Beatriz y otros vs El Salvador – pending judgment in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR/OAS) – is about equality. Hence, it must be treated as such....
The Inter-American Human Rights System on Public Security and Police Violence in Brazil: In Defence of a Rights-Based Approach to Security Policies

The Inter-American Human Rights System on Public Security and Police Violence in Brazil: In Defence of a Rights-Based Approach to Security Policies

Three years after the “Favela Nova Brasília” case, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (‘IACtHR’) is hearing a second police violence case against Brazil, the “Castelinho”. The human rights violations...
Corte Inter-Americana de Derechos Humanos: El derecho a estar libre de violencia en contextos educativos.

Corte Inter-Americana de Derechos Humanos: El derecho a estar libre de violencia en contextos educativos.

En junio del año 2020 la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (Corte IDH) dictó sentencia en el caso Paola Guzmán Albarracín. Paola fue sexualmente abusada por el Vicerrector de la...
Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Freedom from Sexual Violence in Educational Contexts

Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Freedom from Sexual Violence in Educational Contexts

In June 2020, the Inter-American Court of Human Right (‘IACtHR’) issued a judgment in the case of Paola Guzmán. Paola was sexually abused by the Vice-Rector of her school, who...
The Conventionality Control Doctrine of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: a Critical Approach

The Conventionality Control Doctrine of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: a Critical Approach

Since 2006, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) has developed the “Conventionality Control”doctrine. Similar to “Constitutional Review”, which seeks to establish the prevalence of the Constitution of each state...
Partial U.S. sanctions on Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

Partial U.S. sanctions on Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), one of two major human rights bodies of the Organization of American states (OAS), has been subject to some political controversy lately over...
Workers of the Fireworks Factory of Santo Antônio de Jesus and their family members vs. Brazil and why we need to talk about socioeconomic gender inequality

Workers of the Fireworks Factory of Santo Antônio de Jesus and their family members vs. Brazil and why we need to talk about socioeconomic gender inequality

In 1998, there was an explosion at an irregular, high-risk fireworks factory in the city of Santo Antônio de Jesus, Brazil, which led to 64 deaths and left six people...
López Soto v Venezuela: The Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ answer to violence against women

López Soto v Venezuela: The Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ answer to violence against women

The Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ (IACtHR) feminist answer to torture and sexual enslavement in its September 2018 López Soto v Venezuela judgment is unprecedented. López Soto is the first...

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