Right to Equality and Non-Discrimination

Burwell v Hobby Lobby – a narrow decision?

Burwell v Hobby Lobby – a narrow decision?

This week the Supreme Court of the United States delivered judgment in the eagerly anticipated case of Burwell v Hobby Lobby, involving a challenge to a provision of the Patient...
Meriam Ibrahim Saved from 100 Lashes and the Death Penalty

Meriam Ibrahim Saved from 100 Lashes and the Death Penalty

On 11 May 2014, Meriam Yahia Ibrahim was found guilty by the Al-Haj Yousif Criminal Court of charges under the Sudanese Penal Code (1991), Articles 126 for the crime of...
Pregnancy Discrimination in the Australian Workplace

Pregnancy Discrimination in the Australian Workplace

As part of its national review into pregnancy discrimination in the workplace, the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) recently released data from a national phone survey measuring discrimination in the...
Does Affirmative Action Create Unfair Advantage?

Does Affirmative Action Create Unfair Advantage?

Affirmative action, also known as positive action, is a controversial issue in many contexts. For example, Black economic empowerment and employment equity measures have come under attack in South Africa;...
Breaking the Cycle of Gender Inequality

Breaking the Cycle of Gender Inequality

Editor’s note: this post follows from yesterday’s post, by Frances Raday, UN Rapporteur-Chair, on the 2014 Working Group report.   The UN Human Rights Council Working Group on Discrimination Against...
Thematic Report – economic and social life with a focus on economic crisis

Thematic Report – economic and social life with a focus on economic crisis

Editor’s note: The UN Human Rights Council Working Group on Discrimination against Women in Law and in Practice presented a thematic report on women’s economic and social life with a...
What next for LGBT equality?

What next for LGBT equality?

It has been almost a year since the Supreme Court of the United States delivered judgment in Windsor v United States and in the intervening twelve months there have been...
Jueces y juezas rinden cuenta por las decisiones que toman

Jueces y juezas rinden cuenta por las decisiones que toman

Como un canal de diálogo entre la sociedad civil y los sistemas de justicia, Women’s Link promueve los Premios Género y Justicia al Descubierto cada año, mostrando la necesidad de...
How can Judges be Held Accountable?

How can Judges be Held Accountable?

Each year, operating as a channel of communication between society and legal systems, Women’s Link Worldwide organises the Gender Justice Uncovered Awards, demonstrating how justice with gender perspective must be...
A Successful First Instance Challenge to Bedroom Tax

A Successful First Instance Challenge to Bedroom Tax

The Liverpool first tier tribunal (“FTT”) has recently overturned the decision of a Local Authority to reduce the housing benefit of Mr Carmichael, the husband of one of the claimants...
Schuette v BAMN: a Need to Rethink Equal Protection

Schuette v BAMN: a Need to Rethink Equal Protection

Editor’s note: this post follows on from Christina Lee’s analysis of the decision in Schuette v Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action. While allowing Michigan to ban affirmative action, the Schuette...
Schuette: The Latest in the Affirmative Action Saga

Schuette: The Latest in the Affirmative Action Saga

On April 22, 2014, in Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, the Supreme Court of the United States held that Michigan’s amendment to the State constitution, prohibiting the use...

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