Right to Equality and Non-Discrimination

Access, Affordability, and the American Health Reform Dilemma, Part II:  The Affordable Care Act’s First Seven Years

Access, Affordability, and the American Health Reform Dilemma, Part II: The Affordable Care Act’s First Seven Years

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) turned seven last week, with a proposed legislative effort to gut many of its core protections looming. Then, in a...
Access, Affordability, and the American Health Reform Dilemma, Part I: Genesis of the Affordable Care Act

Access, Affordability, and the American Health Reform Dilemma, Part I: Genesis of the Affordable Care Act

The debate over the government’s role in health care is not a new one, nor is the existential crisis that surrounds it. On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed the...
Direct Discrimination and Indirect Discrimination: Headscarves and the CJEU

Direct Discrimination and Indirect Discrimination: Headscarves and the CJEU

The decision of the CJEU in Achbita has been much anticipated as the first full judgment of the Court on discrimination based on religion and belief under Directive 2000/78. Although...
What the Trump Presidency Means For Gender Discourse Development

What the Trump Presidency Means For Gender Discourse Development

The Trump Administration’s gender-related policies have been characterized by some as a “war against women.” An analysis of these policies—as set within the broader socio-political context of President Trump’s campaign...
First Group v Paulley: Towards Accessible and Inclusive Public Transport?

First Group v Paulley: Towards Accessible and Inclusive Public Transport?

First Group Bus v Paulley is the first UK Supreme Court (or House of Lords) case on reasonable adjustments in non-employment contexts. The case, which was supported by the Equality...
Courts Recognizing Transgender Rights

Courts Recognizing Transgender Rights

On 6th of February 2017, a law which discriminated against transgender people was amended for the first time in India. This marks a significant victory for the transgender rights movement...
Confronting Ongoing Racial Discrimination in Schools Admissions Policies in South Africa

Confronting Ongoing Racial Discrimination in Schools Admissions Policies in South Africa

I am now in my final month of working for the Legal Resources Centre and Rhodes University as the Oxford Human Rights Hub Travelling Fellow for 2016. This fellowship has...
Wotton v Queensland: A Milestone for Police Accountability in Australia

Wotton v Queensland: A Milestone for Police Accountability in Australia

The Federal Court of Australia recently delivered a milestone judgment for police accountability in Wotton v Queensland (No 5). Wotton is the latest chapter in the ongoing struggle between the...
India’s Mental Healthcare Bill 2016: a step in the right direction, but no more

India’s Mental Healthcare Bill 2016: a step in the right direction, but no more

The upper house of the Indian Parliament recently passed the Mental Healthcare Bill, 2016 (the Bill) with the aim of securing the rights of people with mental illness in accordance...
Perpetuating Discrimination: A Critical Analysis of the Legal Framework Surrounding Leprosy in India

Perpetuating Discrimination: A Critical Analysis of the Legal Framework Surrounding Leprosy in India

Over several centuries, leprosy has gained notoriety as a highly contagious and incurable disease. With the advent of Multi-Drug Therapy (MDT), the World Health Organisation declared leprosy to be curable...
Inequality and Discrimination faced by Religious Minorities in Pakistan

Inequality and Discrimination faced by Religious Minorities in Pakistan

Pakistan is one of the worst countries to live in as a member of a religious minority group, due to the lack of human rights protection accorded to minority communities....
A Strong Voice For Women: The CEDAW Committee Reviews Canada

A Strong Voice For Women: The CEDAW Committee Reviews Canada

For the first time in eight years the Committee on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) has reviewed Canada’s record on women’s rights....

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