“The extremists are afraid of books and pens. The power of education frightens them,” Pakistan’s teenage activist Malala Yousafzai said in her speech at the United Nations. “They are afraid...
Are Women's Rights Really Human Rights?
At the second World Conference on Human Rights in June 1993, the statement, ‘women’s rights are human rights’ was first coined and accepted due to vociferous lobbying on the part...
The Uneasy Decision in A and B v Secretary of State for Health
Most women from Northern Ireland seeking an abortion will travel to England. This is expensive: in addition to travel costs, the woman will have to use a private provider rather...
Everyday Utopias and Challenging Preconceptions
Davina Cooper’s “Everyday Utopias: The Conceptual Life of Promising Spaces” considers the contribution that “everyday utopias” – networks and spaces that perform regular daily life in a radically different fashion...
'Women and Poverty: A Human Rights Approach' – Days 2 & 3
Day two and three of ‘Women and Poverty: A Human Rights Approach‘ continued to build upon the success of day one. Consistently strong attendance of more than 100 people ensured...
Curing the Koushal Malady
“We are of the view that though Judges of the highest Court do their best, subject of course to the limitation of human fallibility, yet situations may arise, in the...
'Women and Poverty: A Human Rights Approach' – Day 1
Today on the OxHRH Blog we are delighted to present short overview summarising the Opening Ceremony and first four panels of our international conference ‘Women and Poverty: A Human Rights...
India’s Third Gender and The Kaushal Problem
Almost four months ago, the Indian Supreme Court inflicted the LGBT movement with a severe body blow by re-criminalizing homosexuality in Suresh Kumar Kaushal v. Naz Foundation. However, on 15th...
Cheshire West and the Repugnant Conclusion
The Supreme Court’s judgment(s) in Cheshire West [2014] UKSC 19 stirred up the expected storm. By siding with the approach urged upon it by the Official Solicitor, the Court has...
What Has the European Union Ever Done for Women?
As the 2014 European elections are approaching this is an appropriate time to pause and reflect on what the European Union has ever done for women. The EU was established...
Nigerian Standup Comedians and Differently Abled Persons from a Human Rights Lens
The Nigeria popular art space came to life about a decade ago with the coming of Nollywood. Standup comedy followed closely with various shows in Abuja, Lagos, Port Harcourt and...
Women at work – positive obligations for positive results
The most significant change in recent decades influencing the position of women at work is the transformation of state-managed capitalism into a globally marketised, privatised, deregulated system. This is accompanied...