European Union

The European Union’s Search for Unity as the Refugee Crisis Continues

The European Union’s Search for Unity as the Refugee Crisis Continues

Ongoing violence and war in the countries of the Middle East and Africa has led thousands of refugees to leave their homelands in desperate hope of finding a new land...
Legal Obstacles to an 'Australian solution' for Migrants in the Mediterranean

Legal Obstacles to an 'Australian solution' for Migrants in the Mediterranean

Unconvincing EU commitment over the past month and increased number of migrants sparked a far–right round of calls in Europe for drastic action to tackle the massive influx of migrants...
New EU Human Rights and Democracy Action Plan – What Changes Does it Bring?

New EU Human Rights and Democracy Action Plan – What Changes Does it Bring?

The European Commission and the European External Action Service adopted on 28 April 2015 a new Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy for 2015-2019. It builds on the experience...
Saving Lives in the Mediterranean: One More Missed Opportunity

Saving Lives in the Mediterranean: One More Missed Opportunity

“The European Union cannot accept that thousands of people die at its borders”. These were the words of the President of the European Commission in Lampedusa, in October 2013. On...
Drowning refugees, migrants, and shame at sea: The EU response: Part II

Drowning refugees, migrants, and shame at sea: The EU response: Part II

In our previous post we highlighted how the Statement of the European Council in response to the crisis situation after the death of more than 750 people in the Mediterranean...
Drowning Refugees, Migrants, and Shame at Sea: The EU’s Response: Part I

Drowning Refugees, Migrants, and Shame at Sea: The EU’s Response: Part I

At the special meeting of the European Council, on 23 April 2015, EU leaders agreed four priority areas of actions the Member States and the EU institutions can take together...
Europe and the Mediterranean

Europe and the Mediterranean

Thirty years ago we knew that there was a demographic and economic crisis on the horizon. We knew, because the International Labour Organization and the UN Fund for Population Activities...
The Emergence of Business and Human Rights in the EU’s External Relations

The Emergence of Business and Human Rights in the EU’s External Relations

Globalization has provided for numerous opportunities for enterprises to contribute to the respect of human rights. At the same time, it also increases the risks of business involvement in human...
High Time for Europe to Offer Temporary Protection to Refugees from Syria?

High Time for Europe to Offer Temporary Protection to Refugees from Syria?

Approximately 3 million people have fled Syria due to the armed conflict. About 96% of the refugees remain in Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt. By July 2014, the number...
The Missing Human Rights Impact Assessment of European Union Free Trade Agreements

The Missing Human Rights Impact Assessment of European Union Free Trade Agreements

The European Union is pursuing a proactive policy to conclude free trade agreements with numerous countries around the world. The policy includes major trade partners of the EU such as...
Will Australia learn from the EU’s mistakes on data retention?

Will Australia learn from the EU’s mistakes on data retention?

Police officers, anti-terrorism officials and politicians all tell us that we need data retention laws, especially in a time of increased technological sophistication. This week, George Brandis—the Attorney General for...
Europol and the Fight Against Human Trafficking

Europol and the Fight Against Human Trafficking

On Tuesday 24th June the Human Trafficking Discussion Group (under the umbrella of the Oxford Migration Studies Society) was delighted to host a talk by Sergio D’Orsi of Europol, speaking...

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