Another ‘Green Reading’ of Article 8 of the ECHR in Pavlov & Others v Russia
Image description: Large industrial mining vehicle pictured in crater of quarry in Russia The recent case Pavlov & Others v Russia saw the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), once...
Surrogacy in India: The Need for Inclusive Laws
Image description: Seven women sit on a panel in front of a banner entitled “National Consultation on Surrogacy Issues” in New Delhi, India Recently, a petition challenging surrogacy laws in...
Russian Debt Default and Deficiency in Providing Enough Protection for Its Creditors
Image description: graphs showing price changes Almost half of Russia’s foreign reserves are frozen since the implementation of western sanctions against the country. That said, the exception granted by the...
Visas for Surrogates: Acknowledging Familial Bonds between Surrogates, Intended Parents, and Children
Image Description: Surrogate parents attending the birth of the child in the hospital with the gestational mother. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has brought into focus the vulnerabilities of surrogates gestating...
Russian Aggression in Ukraine and The Right to Life at War
Image description: Many soldiers with guns, and a Ukrainian flag in the background. In times of war, especially distant war, human lives start being counted by the hundreds. People...
Gruba and Others v Russia: Policemen’s Equal Access to Parental Leave
It is increasingly recognised worldwide that the responsibility for taking care of children ought to be shared between parents instead of being the sole responsibility of women. Male and female...
Russian gig economy violates worker rights with society’s tacit acceptance
The term “gig economy” was coined during the global financial crisis in 2009, to describe a freelance economy where employers do not offer traditional work benefits. Like other gig economy...
A Small Success for LGBT Rights in Russia
Maxim Neverov, 16, was the first minor charged for ‘promoting homosexuality,’ under the Russian Federal Law, “On Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development” passed in...
Taking Some Human Rights Back: The Case of Ildar Dadin
Article 31 of the Russian Constitution, which guarantees a right of peaceful assembly, has recently clashed with the Russian Criminal Code which, as of 2014, has criminalised repeated participation in...
Domestic Violence and the Regressive Russian Amendment
On the 8th of February 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed into law an amendment that relegated domestic violence, as previously discussed on this blog, to an administrative offence. This...
Is Russia “Decriminalising Domestic Violence?”
The Russian bill providing for what has been called the ‘decriminalisation of domestic violence‘ passed a second reading in the Russian State Duma and was approved by the Federation Council...