Muhammad Shahzad Khaliq v. The State: Survivor-Centric Guidelines in Responding to Child Pornography

Muhammad Shahzad Khaliq v. The State: Survivor-Centric Guidelines in Responding to Child Pornography

Image Description - A picture of Judge's Gavel. In August 2015, a gang running a pedophile and pornography ring ...
Do Not Thwart Women’s Employment, Facilitate It: Indian Supreme Court Strikes Down Arbitrary Gender-Based Restrictions to Restaurant Orchestras

Do Not Thwart Women’s Employment, Facilitate It: Indian Supreme Court Strikes Down Arbitrary Gender-Based Restrictions to Restaurant Orchestras

Image description: A group of women, many of whom are smiling or laughing.  The Indian Supreme Court recently ...
Leigh v Commissioner for the Police of the Metropolis: Fundamental Rights during COVID

Leigh v Commissioner for the Police of the Metropolis: Fundamental Rights during COVID

Image description: Large collection of lit candles amidst darkness In Leigh v Commissioner for the Police of ...
Prohibiting Hijab in Educational Institutions: A Constitutional Assessment

Prohibiting Hijab in Educational Institutions: A Constitutional Assessment

Image description: A group of school girls wearing hijab standing in a line (Source: File Photo, The Indian ...
Violence Against Women: Before and After the Taliban

Violence Against Women: Before and After the Taliban

Image description: An Afghani woman teaching a classroom of girls. Violence against women (VAW) is a global ...
Toward an Empowering Disability Discourse in the Justice System: The Indian Supreme Court’s Call to Action

Toward an Empowering Disability Discourse in the Justice System: The Indian Supreme Court’s Call to Action

Image description: An old woman on a wheel chair being escorted to a polling booth in India.  One of the many ...
The Times and Temporalities of International Human Rights Law

The Times and Temporalities of International Human Rights Law

Image description: An ornate timepiece covered in gold and enamel, as representative of the timepieces of ...
The Fundamental Right to Abortion in Colombia

The Fundamental Right to Abortion in Colombia

Image description: Participants at a 'pro-choice' protest in the city centre during the decision of the ...
The Husband’s Stitch: A Violation of Patients’ Bodily Autonomy

The Husband’s Stitch: A Violation of Patients’ Bodily Autonomy

Image description: Woman in medical uniform looks at a pelvic x-ray The ‘husband’s stitch’ is the practice of ...
Prosecuting Putin for his Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine: Part Two

Prosecuting Putin for his Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine: Part Two

Image description: Vladimir Putin behind a desk with a Russian flag in the background As outlined in part one, ...
Prosecuting Putin for his Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine: Part One

Prosecuting Putin for his Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine: Part One

Image description: The exterior of the International Criminal Court Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – and its ...
Trafficked Persons on Trial in the United Kingdom: New Court of Appeal Guidance

Trafficked Persons on Trial in the United Kingdom: New Court of Appeal Guidance

Image description: a building with the inscription "Criminal Courts Building". Section 45 of the 2015 Modern ...