Last year, the landmark US Supreme Court decision of Kiobel held that the presumption against extraterritorial application of US law applies to the Alien Tort Statute (“ATS”) (see previous OxHRH...
Iraq Needs Incisive Measures from the UN Security Council
The current US military operations in Northern Iraq, resisting troops belonging to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), may be evaluated as compatible with international law. However, despite...
Internally Displaced Persons in Ukraine
Well over 300,000 people have been displaced from their homes due to the ongoing violence in Ukraine. We have seen two waves: the first displacement from the south of Ukraine...
Male Rape in Armed Conflicts: Why We Should Talk About It
Sexual violence represents one of the most serious forms of violation of an individual’s human rights. Although statistics for sexual violence against women are significantly higher than for men, it...
Repression of Nonviolent Activism in Syria
These days, nonviolent activists in Syria find themselves targeted on one side by the Syrian regime, and on the other, by extremist Islamic fronts. Their opposition to narrow interpretations of...
Sexual Violence in Modern Myanmar
The Oxford Burma Alliance will be hosting a roundtable on sexual violence in Burma. It will be chaired by Dr Kirsten McConnachie, Joyce Pearce Junior Research Fellow at the Refugee...
Una “Ley Magnitsky” para Venezuela
Los EE.UU. deberia implementar una ley al estilo Magnitsky para combatir las violaciones de derechos humanos cometidas contra manifestantes en Venezuela. Ya transcurrió más de un mes desde que los...
La criminalización de la protesta: represión y violaciones a derechos humanos en Venezuela
En Venezuela, protestas contra el gobierno están siendo brutalmente reprimidas; muchos manifestantes han sido encarcelados, algunos incluso han sido torturados. El gobierno venelozano ha tratado de sofocar protestas anti-gubernamentales con...
50 Years Later, Still in Search of Truth: Challenges Facing Truth Commissions in Brazil
On the eve of the 50th anniversary of the military coup, which initiated the latest and the longest Brazilian dictatorship (1964-1985), the statements of the retired Army Colonel, Paulo Malhães,...
Why the U.S. Needs a Magnitsky Act for Venezuela
It has been a month since the Venezuelan people took to the streets to protest against the precarious situation in which the country is currently living. According to the UN...
Is There a Hierarchy of Human Rights and Human Rights Reporting?
I believe that just as there is a hierarchy of rights, as discussed by human rights scholars, there is also a hierarchy of human rights reporting. War reporting and the...
Dignifying the most vulnerable ‘in’ and ‘through’ Security Council Resolution 2139
Conflict — perhaps like no other happening — illuminates our shared vulnerability to hurt and harm of unimaginable form and depth. The legal protection of rights was born of such...