
Women's Rights: A Look Back at Emily Wilding Davison's Leadership

Women's Rights: A Look Back at Emily Wilding Davison's Leadership

Editor’s Note: OxHRH is marking the recent June 8 centenary of Emily Wilding Davison’s passing with this guest blog from the co-curators of LSE’s special exhibition dedicated to her role...
Evolving Strasbourg Jurisprudence on Domestic Violence: Recognising Institutional Sexism

Evolving Strasbourg Jurisprudence on Domestic Violence: Recognising Institutional Sexism

As part of a broader feminist critique of the European Convention on Human Rights, it has been argued that Article 14 of the ECHR (freedom from discrimination) has not been...
Stealing Brides in Kyrgyzstan: Why Multiculturalism and Women’s Rights Make Such Uneasy Bedfellows

Stealing Brides in Kyrgyzstan: Why Multiculturalism and Women’s Rights Make Such Uneasy Bedfellows

Liz Fouksman uses the case of bride kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan to delve into the uneasy intersection of culture and women’s rights highlighted by the debates at the UN Commission on...
Silencing Rape on U.S. College Campuses: Evaluating the Clery Act

Silencing Rape on U.S. College Campuses: Evaluating the Clery Act

The Steubenville rape verdict a few months ago has sparked a broader conversation about the United States’ endemic “rape culture”, and the responsibility of innocent bystanders and institutions to report...
Trafficking in Human Beings and the European Court of Human Rights – In Dubio pro State?

Trafficking in Human Beings and the European Court of Human Rights – In Dubio pro State?

by Marija Jovanovic – The ECtHR in M. and Others v. Italy and Bulgaria departs from a low-threshold approach for triggering Article 4 in potential trafficking situations previously established in...
Rape and Reform in India: No Legal Fix for a Systemic Problem

Rape and Reform in India: No Legal Fix for a Systemic Problem

by Shishir Bail and Sudhir Krishnaswamy – The brutal rape and mutilation of a 5-year-old girl in Delhi last week has sparked fierce protests reminiscent of the national outrage invoked...
Bread, Freedom and Social Justice for Women Too?

Bread, Freedom and Social Justice for Women Too?

  By Rhea Fernandes – As member states unanimously passed the final draft proposal at the 57th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, Egypt’s Muslim...
The Agreed Conclusion of CSW57 – Reaffirmation of the Universality of Women’s Human Rights

The Agreed Conclusion of CSW57 – Reaffirmation of the Universality of Women’s Human Rights

Last month we ran a special themed post series on the 57th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW57). We are delighted to conclude this series with...
To Whomsoever it May Concern? The Case of Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 2013

To Whomsoever it May Concern? The Case of Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 2013

The Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill 2013was passed by the Indian Parliament and now awaits the sanction of the President before it replaces the Criminal Law (Amendment) Ordinance 2013. Despite, what...
Engendering Social Welfare Rights

Engendering Social Welfare Rights

Recipients of social welfare must routinely face the fact that many in society regard them as “scroungers” who are undeserving of the support they receive. Welfare recipients are thus compelled...
CSW57: Violence against Indigenous Women and Girls

CSW57: Violence against Indigenous Women and Girls

Today we continue our special themed post series focusing on CSW57. Claire Overman reflects on one of the discussions at CSW57 last week concerning the specific challenges surrounding violence against...
Reversing Roles: Bringing men into the frame

Reversing Roles: Bringing men into the frame

On Tuesday 12 March, the fifty-seventh session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW57) turns its attention to the ‘equal sharing of responsibilities between men and women’. In...

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