
Farooqui v State Government of Delhi: Confusing Consent

Farooqui v State Government of Delhi: Confusing Consent

The recent Delhi High Court judgment acquitting Mahmood Farooqui of rape is problematic as it appears to create a new test for consent The court held that a ‘no’, even...
Child Marriage before the Indian Supreme Court

Child Marriage before the Indian Supreme Court

The Supreme Court of India on 11th October 2017 ruled that sexual intercourse or sexual acts by a man with his minor wife would amount to rape for the purposes...
CJEU in Kalliri: Solidifying Indirect Sex Discrimination

CJEU in Kalliri: Solidifying Indirect Sex Discrimination

Does the European Council Directive 76/207 (as amended by Directive 2002/73), which implements the principle of equal treatment between men and women, preclude a national provision which makes admission of...
Separate but Equal? Gender Segregation in UK Schools

Separate but Equal? Gender Segregation in UK Schools

In HM Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills v Al-Hijrah School, the UK Court of Appeal has concluded that sex segregation in education is discriminatory. Al-Hijrah school is...
Triple Talaq and Women’s Rights in the Indian Supreme Court

Triple Talaq and Women’s Rights in the Indian Supreme Court

The Indian Supreme Court’s multi-religious Constitutional bench, in its much anticipated majority decision in the Shayara Bano case, has ruled the practice of triple talaq to be unconstitutional. The practice...
The Case For Recognition Of Muslim Marriages In South Africa

The Case For Recognition Of Muslim Marriages In South Africa

The South African Constitution guarantees all of its citizens the right to equality, dignity, freedom of religion and belief as well as the right to protection against arbitrary deprivation of...
The Indian Supreme Court Declares the Constitutional Right to Privacy

The Indian Supreme Court Declares the Constitutional Right to Privacy

2017 has been a big year for constitutional development in India. In a historic and landmark decision, a 9-judge bench of the Supreme Court pronounced that the right to privacy...
Tunisia’s Revolutionary Steps: New Law Protecting Women Against Violence

Tunisia’s Revolutionary Steps: New Law Protecting Women Against Violence

July 26th 2017 marked a historic date in Tunisian history, with the passing of a national law against domestic violence, targeting “any physical, moral, sexual or economic aggression” against women....
CEDAW Committee General Recommendation on Violence against Women Updated

CEDAW Committee General Recommendation on Violence against Women Updated

In July 2017, the CEDAW Committee released a new General Recommendation (No. 35) on Violence Against Women (VAW), 25 years after the first on the topic, General Recommendation No.19. This...
Menstruation, the Right to Education and India’s Positive Obligations

Menstruation, the Right to Education and India’s Positive Obligations

The link between menstruation and the goals of gender justice is a complicated one- whether it is the debate surrounding the controversial first-day-of-period leave introduced by some offices or challenges...
Gender Equality in China

Gender Equality in China

Confucianism has been regarded as a nationwide paradigm in China for over two millennia. Susan Greenhalgh (1985) argues that, “Traditional Confucian China evolved some of the most patriarchal family systems...
Women in the Iranian Labour Market: Infringement of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Women in the Iranian Labour Market: Infringement of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Regardless of the fact that women have a very significant contribution to make to national production, employment generation and civil and economic society, women in Iran continue to be discriminatorily...

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