
Supreme Court of Namibia Finds HIV Positive Women Sterilised Without Informed Consent

Supreme Court of Namibia Finds HIV Positive Women Sterilised Without Informed Consent

Late last year, the Supreme Court of Namibia handed down judgment in Government of the Republic of Namibia vs. LM and others (SA 49/2012) [2014] NASC 19. The three respondents...
Día Internacional de las Mujeres: Las mujeres y las niñas luchan por la igualdad de género en las cortes

Día Internacional de las Mujeres: Las mujeres y las niñas luchan por la igualdad de género en las cortes

¿Qué mejor ocasión que el Día Internacional de las Mujeres para pedirle a los jueces y juezas que se hagan responsables por las decisiones que toman, porque ellas, para bien...
International Women’s Day: Women and Girls Struggle for Equality in the Courts

International Women’s Day: Women and Girls Struggle for Equality in the Courts

What better time than International Women’s Day to embolden citizens to exercise their power over the judicial process? The Gender Justice Uncovered Awards provide a vehicle for the public to...
Judicial Appointment of Women on the Decline in Canada and Australia

Judicial Appointment of Women on the Decline in Canada and Australia

While many countries have superficially committed to the goal of gender equality with a lot of noisy chatter about women on boards and women’s participation in politics, it appears that...
Decisiones nominadas para la categoría Garrote en los Premios Género y Justicia al Descubierto 2015 

Decisiones nominadas para la categoría Garrote en los Premios Género y Justicia al Descubierto 2015 

Jueces y juezas de todo el mundo tienen que hacerse responsables de las decisiones discriminatorias que toman y como éstas afectan la vida de las personas, en especial de las...
The ‘Bludgeon’ Nominees in the Gender Justice Uncovered Awards 2015

The ‘Bludgeon’ Nominees in the Gender Justice Uncovered Awards 2015

Judges from all over the world should be held accountable for the discriminatory decisions they issue on matters related to gender equality, and for how these rulings affect the lives...
What Traffickers Know that the Court of Appeal Does Not

What Traffickers Know that the Court of Appeal Does Not

In Reyes and Suryadi v Al-Malki [2015] EWCA Civ 32 and Benkharbouche and Janah v Embassy of the Republic of Sudan and Libya [2015] EWCA Civ 33 the Court of...
An Unsecured Commitment: Security and Justice in the Post-2015 Development Agenda

An Unsecured Commitment: Security and Justice in the Post-2015 Development Agenda

Insecurity and injustice are a daily reality for large numbers of people around the world. Although gathering data on areas torn by public fear, human tragedy and below average living...
The Family Agenda: Promoting Traditional Values in the Human Rights Council

The Family Agenda: Promoting Traditional Values in the Human Rights Council

On 23 June 2014, the Human Rights Council decided, through its resolution 26/11, to convene a panel discussion on the protection of the family, “reaffirming that the family is the...
Equality Interrupted: The Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 2nd Amendment, Ordinance, 2014 and the Selective Disqualification of Candidates

Equality Interrupted: The Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 2nd Amendment, Ordinance, 2014 and the Selective Disqualification of Candidates

The Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, Second Amendment, Ordinance, 2014 was approved by the Governor of Rajasthan, Kalyan Singh on 19th December 2014, only a few days before the election code...
Revisiting Mass Sterilisation in India – Population Management or Menace?

Revisiting Mass Sterilisation in India – Population Management or Menace?

According to the 2011 census, the population of India was recorded as 1.2 billion people. Such a situation calls for urgent measures to address family planning and to control of...
Practices Harmful to Women and Girls – Joint CEDAW and CRC General Recommendation/ Comment

Practices Harmful to Women and Girls – Joint CEDAW and CRC General Recommendation/ Comment

Coinciding with the 25th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Child (CRC) and the 35th anniversary of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women...

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