Two big sexual harassment complaints have sent shock waves in India this month– one by a legal intern complaining of sexual harassment from a retired Supreme Court judge and another...
Lessons from the South African Constitutional Court: a duty of care for police in England and Wales?
Last month at the inquest of Rachael Slack, a 38 year-old woman stabbed to death by her ex-partner, the jury ruled that police failures had contributed ‘more than minimally’ towards...
Men and gender based violence: part of the problem, but also the solution?
Universities may well create the future leaders of our governments, economies, and communities—they are places of intellectual thought and social development. But does that square with what we know about...
UN Resolution on Women’s Involvement in Conflict-Prevention: a Move Towards Participative Equality for Women in Conflict Zones
Earlier this month, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2122, designed to highlight the importance of women’s involvement in conflict prevention, resolution and peace-building. The adoption of this Resolution...
Mmusi Ruling a Watershed Moment for Gender and Customary Law in Botswana and Beyond
On September 3rd, the Court of Appeal in Botswana decided that Edith Mmusi’s parents’ home belonged to her and her sisters. In doing so, Botswana’s highest court struck a blow...
The Québec Charter of Values Project: Republican or Immigrant-phobic?
Tuesday, September 10 2013, the Government of Québec finally released its Strategy aimed at protecting the Values of the nation. It is important to say that this document is neither...
The CEDAW Committee Holds an Uncomfortable Mirror to the UK
On July 26th, 2013 the CEDAW Committee released concluding observations on the UK’s compliance with CEDAW. The UK is obligated to publicize the findings of the Committee, although the Concluding...
The Ongoing Search for Justice for Victims of the Japanese War Crimes in Mapanique, Philippines
On November 23, 1944, Japanese troops descended on the town of Mapanique in the Philippines. The troops gathered men and boys in the town and proceeded to castrate them. Afterwards,...
Using Public Interest Litigation to Combat Acid Attacks in India
Laxmi was 15 years old when her 32 year old neighbour declared his love for her. He sent her repeated text messages and when she did not respond, approached her...
Constitutionalising the Violation of the Right of the Girl Child in Nigeria: Exploring Constitutional Safeguards and Pitfalls
The Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the highest legislative arm in Nigeria, is on the verge of enshrining the legality of child marriage. This is a direct implication...
The Rock-Hard Foundation: Mandela Day, 18 July 2013
“I pay tribute to the mothers and wives and sisters of our nation. You are the rock-hard foundation of our struggle.” – Nelson Mandela, February 1990 Nelson Mandela spoke these...
Abortion Law Reforms in Ireland
In A, B & C v. Ireland the European Court of Human Rights held that Ireland must end its 20-year delay in legislating for the limited constitutional right to abortion,...