Early this March, the Colombian Constitutional Court, in a divided opinion (6-3), rejected on grounds of admissibility, a challenge to the Penal Code section that criminalizes abortion (subject to three...
Blood, Taxes, and Equality
The Colombian Constitutional Court has recently delivered two groundbreaking decisions. One struck down taxes on tampons and sanitary pads, while the other ordered the city of Bogota to create a...
Recent Trends in Climate Change Litigation: Colombia’s Amazon and Juliana v U.S
On April 4, 2018, the Colombian Supreme Court handed down an important ruling (Tutela, a rights-based injunction) on climate change. The plaintiffs in the case are twenty-five children who argued...
Women’s Suffrage in Colombia: Saving Face While Remaining the Same
Colombian women were granted to right to vote in 1954 and voted for the first time in 1957. Interestingly, the reform was part of the transitional package designed to overcome...
Post-Truth vs Law in Colombia: An Unstoppable Force and an Immoveable Object?
“Post-truth” politics has been a matter of political contention recently, but the discussion of the impact of post-truth politics on the rights of the voters and democracy as a whole...
Children’s Visibility in Colombia’s Peace Plebiscite Campaign: In Everyone’s Interest but Children’s
Colombia is at a critical transitional moment. Today, Colombians will be called to vote on whether they support the final peace agreement signed on September 26th between the Colombian Government...
An important step forward for victims of sexual violence in Colombia
On paper, it looked like a victory for women’s rights. The government of Colombia enacted historic legislation to address the country’s epidemic of sexual violence – one heightened by decades...
Resilience and Security in Cities: Lessons from Karachi and Medellín
The recently adopted United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set the new global development agenda for the next 15 years. Significant among these are SDG 11 and SDG 16. SDG...
The Unreal(istic) Rhetoric of Children’s Rights in Colombia’s Reparations Law
Editor’s note: To celebrate National Pro Bono Week, the OxHRH Blog is showcasing the experiences and insights of several of the Oxford Pro Bono Publico internship award recipients. The first...
Decisiones ganadoras de los Premios Género y Justicia al Descubierto 2015
Los Premios Género y Justicia al Descubierto 2015 han concluido con alrededor de 10,000 votos y aproximadamente 100,000 visitas a las distintas nominaciones (67 en total) de 28 países alrededor...
2015 Gender Justice Uncovered Award Winners
The 2015 Gender Justice Uncovered Award winners are in. This year the Awards concluded with over 10,000 votes and 100,000 case views for the 67 nominated decisions across 28 different...
Día Internacional de las Mujeres: Las mujeres y las niñas luchan por la igualdad de género en las cortes
¿Qué mejor ocasión que el Día Internacional de las Mujeres para pedirle a los jueces y juezas que se hagan responsables por las decisiones que toman, porque ellas, para bien...