Now that the idea of a new UK Bill of Rights appears to be buried, choices re-emerge. The predicted outcome of the London-based Commission’s work was finally confirmed in December....
An Initial Reaction to the Commission on a Bill of Rights Final Report
David Feldman, Rouse Ball Professor of English Law at the University of Cambridge and former Legal Adviser to the Parliamentary Joint Select Committee on Human Rights pens his preliminary thoughts...
Release of the Commission on a Bill of Rights Final Report
The Commission on a Bill of Rights released its final report today. The Report is available on the Commission’s website. The British Academy’s response to the report is available here....
‘He Believed in People’: Remembering Arthur Chaskalson
by Geoff Budlender Arthur Chaskalson, former Chief Justice of South Africa and a champion of human rights, passed away at the weekend. Geoff Budlender delivered the eulogy at his funeral...
The Universality of Human Rights Norms: Why the UK should stay with Strasbourg
The view is often heard in discussions in anticipation of the report of the Commission on a British Bill of Rights that, while people can see the value of a...
The UK’s Human Rights ‘Report Card’
The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) – the review of each UN member state’s human rights record – is a comparatively new process...
The UK's Human Rights 'Report Card'
The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) – the review of each UN member state’s human rights record – is a comparatively new process...
OxHRH Seminar Series: Philip Alston and Gráinne De Búrca
The Oxford Human Rights Hub’s Autumn seminar series kicks off today. Philip Alston speaks at 13:00 in the Oxford Law Faculty ‘Cube’ on the ‘The Progress Narrative in the New...
When is a UK Bill of Rights not a UK Bill of Rights?
The recently published Human Rights and the UK Constitution* by Colm O’Cinneide is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand what’s at stake in the current UK Bill of...
Human Rights and the UK Constitution
UK human rights law has been the subject of considerable controversy over the past few years. A new report that I have written for the British Academy Policy Centre, Human...