Labour Rights

United States Labor Relations Board Cowardly Punts its Duties

United States Labor Relations Board Cowardly Punts its Duties

Earlier this month, the United States witnessed a major setback for freedom of association. The National Labor Relations Board (the Board)– the U.S. agency charged with “encouraging the practice and...
In Memory of Bob Hepple

In Memory of Bob Hepple

It is with a heavy heart that I write to say farewell to Bob Hepple, who died in the early hours of Friday 21st August. There will be time for...
Terminating Employee Rights: A Discussion of Nyamande and Another v Zuva Petroleum

Terminating Employee Rights: A Discussion of Nyamande and Another v Zuva Petroleum

The judgment of the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe in Nyamande and another v Zuva Petroleum SC 43/15, handed down on 17 July 2015, has led to the termination of more...
Zero-Tolerance for Severe Forms of Labour Exploitation in the UK

Zero-Tolerance for Severe Forms of Labour Exploitation in the UK

In June 2015, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published the results of research conducted in 21 European Member States that considers the nature of, and responses to, severe...
Politics and Legality: The UK’s Trade Union Bill 2015

Politics and Legality: The UK’s Trade Union Bill 2015

Despite having some of the most onerous legal restrictions on the right to strike in the industrialised West, Business Secretary Sajid Javid MP’s proposed Trade Union Bill seeks to place...
The Marikana Report: Some Justice, Part of the Truth and Many Unanswered Questions (Part II)

The Marikana Report: Some Justice, Part of the Truth and Many Unanswered Questions (Part II)

The factual context surrounding the Marikana massacre has been discussed before on this blog by Judge Dennis Davis. This post is the second of a two part series on the...
The Marikana Report: Some Justice, Part of the Truth and Many Unanswered Questions (Part I)

The Marikana Report: Some Justice, Part of the Truth and Many Unanswered Questions (Part I)

Almost three months after the Chair of the Marikana Commission of Inquiry delivered the final report to President Zuma, the report has been released. The context of the incident has...
Marikana: A Failure of Regulation and the Reinforcement of Inequality: A Preliminary View

Marikana: A Failure of Regulation and the Reinforcement of Inequality: A Preliminary View

On Thursday 25th June, a judicial commission of inquiry published the Marikana Report into the tragic events at the Marikana mine near Johannesburg in August 2012 that resulted in the...
India Relaxes Child Labour Legislation – A New Challenge for Sustainable Supply Chains in the Garment Sector

India Relaxes Child Labour Legislation – A New Challenge for Sustainable Supply Chains in the Garment Sector

The Indian government has recently brought in changes to the Child Labour Act and decided to allow children below the age of 14 to work in selected non-hazardous family industries....
Reino Unido: Tu voto por la igualdad de género

Reino Unido: Tu voto por la igualdad de género

Hasta el 31 de mayo se encuentra abierto el periodo de votaciones de los Premios Género y Justicia al Descubierto. De manera rápida y sencilla, puedes votar más de una...
United Kingdom, Time for you to Vote for Gender Equality

United Kingdom, Time for you to Vote for Gender Equality

The voting period for the Gender Justice Uncovered Awards is open until May 31st. Voting is fast and easy. You can vote for several cases on the same day and...
USDAW v Ethel Austin in the ECJ

USDAW v Ethel Austin in the ECJ

The recent judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-80/14, USDAW v Woolworths (30 April 2015) is a further indication that social Europe is no longer its cherished offspring....

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