International Law, Right to Privacy and Marital Rape in India
In an order dated 6/11/2017, the High Court of Gujarat described marital rape as “a disgraceful offence that has scarred the trust and confidence in the institution of marriage”, proposing...
Law and Disability: Why Getting Disability Law on the University’s Curriculum Matters to Disability Rights
Today marks an important moment for the foregrounding of the rights of people with disabilities at Oxford. It is the inaugural Oxford University Disability Law and Policy Conference. This conference...
Law and Disability: An Introduction to the Social Model of Disability
“To pay attention to the words we use is not to be “politically correct” but to struggle for a language which describes the denial of our human rights, locates our...
When The Law is Not Enough: International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM
On February 6, UN International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), the international community will condemn FGM. Who would disagree that FGM (the partial or total removal...
Why Artificial Intelligence is Already a Human Rights Issue
Last month, UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights Professor Philip Alston released a statement following his official visit to the United States. Beyond many issues around taxation,...
The Global Compact on Refugees: A Step Towards Mending a Broken System
In September 2016, the General Assembly convened the first-ever high level summit on refugees and migrants. Heads of State met against a background of crisis: 65 million people displaced; seemingly...
The Soviet Legacy and Current Human Rights Debates
A recent post by Steven Jensen has suggested that a model of ‘generations of rights’ – civil and political rights; economic, social, and cultural rights; and collective or solidarity rights...
Understanding Indigenous Peoples’ Rights: Collective or Individual?
Earlier this month, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visited Mexico in an attempt to build upon the commercial ties between the two nations. While Canada has championed the promotion of...
Negotiating for Change in Climate Change
Last month, leaders from around the world gathered in New York for the 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). The Paris Agreement dominated high-level discussions, a poignant...
CEDAW Committee General Recommendation on Violence against Women Updated
In July 2017, the CEDAW Committee released a new General Recommendation (No. 35) on Violence Against Women (VAW), 25 years after the first on the topic, General Recommendation No.19. This...
The World Day Against Trafficking in Persons
July 30th marked the UN’s fourth annual World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, which seeks to increase awareness of human trafficking as a serious crime and human rights violation. Traffickers...
Fact-Finding and the Rohingya Community
In March of this year, the Human Rights Council (HRC) unanimously adopted a resolution concerning the Myanmar Government’s treatment of its Rohingya minority, which declared an imminent need to dispatch...