The Out of School Children Case: A Model for Court-Facilitated Dialogue?India, Children's Rights, Right to Education, Role of the Judiciary, Socio-Economic RightsAn Indian citizen enjoys a constitutionally guaranteed right to free and compulsory primary education (Article 21A ...
UK and the Assisted Dying Bill: Autonomy in Death Continues to Wait Its TurnUnited Kingdom, Right to LifeLast week, the Assisted Dying (No.2) Bill (‘the Bill’) was rejected by 330 to 118 in a historic vote in the House ...
Law Commission of India Recommends Abolition of the Death Penalty: A Historic First StepIndia, Counter-terrorism, Death Penalty, Right to LifeIn what can be termed as a watershed moment in the fight against death penalty in India, the Law Commission in its ...
Justifying Deadly Force in the American Supreme CourtUnited States of America, Criminal Justice and Fair Trial, Right to LifeThe case of City of Los Angeles v. Contreras, currently up for first-round consideration before the Supreme Court ...
The (Patel) Quest for ReservationIndia, Right to Equality and Non-DiscriminationIn the Indian state of Gujarat, a ‘movement’ led by a young man named Hardik Patel is demanding that the Patel ...
Conscientious Objection or Conscious Oppression?: The Uphill Battle to Access Abortion Services in UruguayUruguay, Abortion, Right to Freedom of Religion, Sexual and Reproductive RightsIn October 2012, Uruguay passed Law 18,987 that waives criminal penalties for abortion in the first 12 weeks of ...
The Death Penalty Lives on in Zambia Despite the Country’s Constitutional ReformZambia, Death Penalty, Right to LifeZambia, like most countries in Africa, has retained the death sentence on its criminal law statutes for a limited ...
The Indian Supreme Court and the Missing Connection between Faith and DressIndia, Right to Freedom of ReligionThe Indian Supreme Court’s recent comments trivialising the importance of religious dress to faith have troubling ...
UNISON v Lord Chancellor: The Statistics of Tribunal Fees in the Court of AppealUnited Kingdom, Access to Justice, Labour RightsAs discussed previously on the Blog, fees in the employment tribunal were introduced across England, Wales and ...
Santhara: Jains’ Right to Exit with DignityIndia, Right to Freedom of Religion, Right to LifeThe Jain religion of India has been embroiled in legal controversy surrounding the practice of Santhara or ...
Tackling Moral Policing in Mumbai: A Human Rights ApproachIndia, Criminal Justice and Fair Trial, Right to PrivacyIn the latest news on moral policing, earlier this month the Mumbai police conducted a round of raids across ...
Recent Developments in the UN Human Rights Council: Traditional Values and Women’s Right to Equality in the FamilyUnited Nations, Gender, Right to Equality and Non-Discrimination, Right to Freedom of ReligionIn recent years at the United Nation’s Human Right’s Council (UNHRC) an ideological challenge has been directed ...