UN Special Rapporteur on the Sale of Children raises serious concerns regarding Ireland’s history of illegal adoption practicesIreland, Children's RightsIreland has an extensive history of systemic human rights abuses of women and children, encompassing multiple ...
Gabriel Resources v. Romania: Local Residents as Third Parties in Investor-State Dispute Settlement?Romania, Business and Human Rights, EnvironmentThe Canadian corporation Gabriel Resources wanted to establish Europe’s largest gold mine in Rosia Montana, ...
Zambia’s police force undermine opposition in SeshekeZambia, Right to VoteRecent reports and video footage of the political unrest in Sesheke’s Parliamentary by-elections have brought to ...
When does a person have an intellectual disability? The insights of the US Supreme CourtUnited States of America, DisabilityA death sentence against a convict with an intellectual disability (ID) would violate the Eighth Amendment’s ...
Machine Decision-making in the criminal justice system: The FATAL4JUSTICE? ProjectCriminal Justice and Fair TrialThe capacity to collect, store and process digital data in real-time on cloud servers, and to subject vast data ...
Chile’s debt to children: State engagement in children´s rights protectionChile, Children's Rights878 deaths of children under the care of the Chilean National Children’s Service are currently under criminal ...
Legal Gaps in Securing Customary Land Rights in ZambiaZambia, Socio-Economic RightsThe Asa Lato & 30 others case provides an opportunity for Zambia’s High Court to review legal gaps related to ...
The Supreme Court of the United States denies absolute immunity to the International Finance Corporation in human rights caseUnited States of America, Business and Human RightsLast February 27th, a 7-1 majority of the United States Supreme Court held in Jam et al. v. International Finance ...
A Year of Gaza’s Marches of Return: War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity Targeting Protected GroupsIsrael, Palestine, Conflict and Human RightsThe independent international commission of inquiry on the protests in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, ...
Gym Use and Changing Rooms: the illegality and chilling effect of (trans)gender segregationUnited Kingdom, Gender, Right to Equality and Non-DiscriminationA recent, high-profile article published on HuffPost claimed that the popular leisure group – David Lloyd Leisure ...
CJEU: Austrian Good Friday legislation constitutes direct discrimination on the grounds of religionAustria, Right to Equality and Non-DiscriminationUnder Austrian law, Good Friday is a public holiday only for members of the Evangelical Churches of the Augsburg ...
The Extremism Database is in Breach of the European Convention on Human RightsEuropean Convention on Human Rights, Right to PrivacyOn 24 January 2019, the European Court of Human Rights (the ECtHR) delivered its judgment in the case of Catt v. ...