Constitutionality of India’s Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Amendment Bill, 2019: India’s McCarthyism MomentIndia, Constitutions and Human RightsIn a chilling throwback McCarthyism in the United States, India’s Parliament has passed the Unlawful Activities ...
NDAs in Discrimination Cases: UK Women and Equalities Select Committee Report & Collective/Individual Justice DilemmasUnited Kingdom, Gender, Right to Equality and Non-DiscriminationIn June 2019 the UK Parliament’s Women and Equalities Select Committee (‘WESC’) published a report on the use of ...
Transgender Laws in Transition: European Courts on Non-Binary Gender RecognitionGenderA decision of the Belgian Constitutional Court is the latest in a series of judgments in Europe deciding ...
Civilian Life at Risk in Iran: The Hard-Hitting Effects of the US Economic SanctionsIran, Conflict and Human RightsFollowing the US-imposed oil embargo and a web of hard-hitting economic sanctions, Iran’s economy and the lives of ...
The Korean Constitutional Court Judgment on the Constitutionality of an Abortion BanRepublic of Korea, AbortionSince 1953, abortion has been illegal in Korea, except for cases of rape, incest, severe genetic disorders, ...
Partial U.S. sanctions on Inter-American Commission on Human RightsInter-American Convention on Human Rights, Conflict and Human RightsThe Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), one of two major human rights bodies of the Organization of ...
The Prospects for the Malaysian Exercise of Universal Jurisdiction over Myanmarese Atrocity CrimesMalaysia, Myanmar, Conflict and Human RightsThe ‘clearance operations’ commenced in August 2017 against Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslim population by the State’s ...
Hong Kong’s anti-extradition movement and common law judges’ extrajudicial opinionsHong Kong, Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression, Role of the JudiciaryDuring the recent anti-extradition movement in Hong Kong, a High Court judge participated by signing a petition ...
The Non-effectiveness of the United Nations Security Council’s role in the Syrian ConflictUnited Nations, Conflict and Human RightsThe United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is the principal organ of the United Nations (UN) charged with ...
Updates on the Modern Slavery Act 2015: government showing signs of long-awaited leadershipUnited Kingdom, Labour RightsIn the past year, the UK government has made unprecedented efforts to increase its engagement with the Modern ...
Innovative remedies under a flexible Constitution: A view from South AfricaSouth Africa, Access to JusticeAs an undergraduate, the focal point of interest in a case was what happened in court. The judgment, and ...
No Ordinary LawsuitUnited States of America, EnvironmentIn late May, a U.S. Appeals court heard oral arguments in a U.S. government effort to stop a trial in a climate ...