Justice Edwin Cameron on the United Nations Free and Equal CampaignSouth Africa, Right to Equality and Non-Discrimination, Sexual OrientationOn Friday 26th July, in Cape Town, the United Nations launched a new international campaign to counter homophobia, ...
Human Rights and Community Justice: A View from Red Hook, BrooklynUnited States of America, Criminal Justice and Fair TrialThe Red Hook Community Justice Center (RHCJC), the small community court in Brooklyn, New York, seems miles away ...
Proposed Bahamian Constitutional Reform: No Room for Socio-Economic RightsBahamas, Socio-Economic Rights, Standard of ReviewOn July 8, 2013, the Constitutional Commission of the Bahamas presented its report on proposed Constitutional ...
The choice before us? The report of the Commission on a Bill of RightsUnited Kingdom, Constitutions and Human RightsIn an article recently published in Public Law, Prof. Francesca Klug and I set out our analysis of the ill-fated ...
Is it Time for the US Supreme Court to Come Out of the Closet?United States of America, Right to Equality and Non-Discrimination, Sexual Orientation, Standard of ReviewIn a follow-up post to his previous analysis of Windsor v. United States, Karl Laird examines which constitutional ...
Mendoza v Argentina: Against the life imprisonment of childrenAmerican Convention on Human Rights, Children's Rights, Criminal Justice and Fair Trial, Right against TortureIn Mendoza et al. v. Argentina, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (ICHR) has determined that life sentences ...
McCaughey and Others v UK: The Requirement of Prompt Investigation into State KillingsEuropean Convention on Human Rights, Right to LifeArticle 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights guarantees, subject to some exceptions, that “everyone’s ...
The Anniversary of the Marikana Massacre in South Africa and Corporate Accountability for Human Rights BreachesSouth Africa, Business and Human RightsIt is almost a year since more than 40 striking mineworkers were killed in a clash with local police at the ...
The Rock-Hard Foundation: Mandela Day, 18 July 2013South Africa, Gender“I pay tribute to the mothers and wives and sisters of our nation. You are the rock-hard foundation of our ...
Abortion Law Reforms in IrelandIreland, Abortion, Gender, Right to Equality and Non-Discrimination, Right to Life, Sexual and Reproductive RightsIn A, B & C v. Ireland the European Court of Human Rights held that Ireland must end its 20-year delay in ...
A Human Rights Act for Australia: a transfer of power to the High Court, or a more democratic form of judicial decision-making?Australia, Constitutions and Human Rights, Role of the JudiciaryAustralia is the only Western country without some form of a national Bill of Rights. In 2008, the National Human ...
ICESCR Optional Protocol: Reconciling Standards of ReviewUnited Nations, Socio-Economic Rights, Standard of ReviewUntil very recently, there was no individual complaint procedure for a violation of the rights enshrined in the ...