A novel approach to Get refusal: the use of the offence of coercive control to obtain a religious divorceUnited Kingdom, Gender, Right to Freedom of ReligionFor Jewish women, obtaining a religious divorce (Get) can be life-changing. Women denied a Get are considered ...
Parliamentarians and Freedom of Religion or BeliefRight to Freedom of ReligionParliamentary networks for human rights are not unheard of. Several networks exist which draw attention to the ...
The Urgenda case: human rights obligations to reduce carbon emissionsNetherlands, EnvironmentThe Netherlands’ supreme court has ruled that the state has ‘direct legal obligations’ to reduce carbon emissions ...
Teitiota v New Zealand: A Step Forward in the Protection of Climate Refugees under International Human Rights Law?New Zealand, Environment, Immigration and Asylum, Right to LifeOn 7 January 2020, the UN Human Rights Committee (HRC) issued a landmark ruling in which it recognised, for the ...
A Gay Kiss on the Internet: Can Strasbourg Litigation Help Win the War Against Homophobia?European Convention on Human Rights, Sexual OrientationOn 14 January 2019, the European Court of Human Rights found a violation of the European Convention on Human ...
International Legal Systems Failing Child Victims of Peacekeeper Sexual AbuseChildren's RightsThe widespread and enduring problem of sexual exploitation and abuse by peacekeepers has been well documented over ...
Counter terrorism Law & The Human Rights Violation of the Uighurs in China: An International Law PerspectiveChina, Conflict and Human Rights, Right to Equality and Non-DiscriminationThe recently published files by the New York Times have highlighted the realities of the deplorable living ...
Robotic Roguery: Analysing the Legality of Autonomous Weapons (Killer Robots) vis- à-vis Principles of International Humanitarian LawConflict and Human RightsThe outrage against autonomous weapon systems (“Killer Robots”) is at an all-time high. Recently, the UN ...
Landmark Transgender Ruling in Zimbabwe: An Opening for Future LGBTQIA Activism and Litigation? Zimbabwe, GenderOn the 14th of November 2019, Judge Bere of the High Court of Zimbabwe ruled in favour of Ricky (Rikki) Nathanson, ...
Iranian Nationalism Does Not Accommodate Ethnic MinoritiesIran, Right to Education, Right to Equality and Non-DiscriminationAs a matter of human rights, everybody has a right to education in their mother language as the basis for ...
South African court rejects petition to award constitutional damages and extend emotional shock and grief claims in pit-latrine drowning caseSouth Africa, Access to Justice, Constitutions and Human RightsIn 2014, 5-year old Michael Komape tragically drowned in a sludge of human excrement when the pit-latrine at his ...
Younger women, older men: The perpetuation of gender discrimination through minimum legal age for marriageIndia, Gender, Right to Equality and Non-DiscriminationIn India, the minimum legal age for marriage is different for men and women. Section 4(c), Special Marriage Act, ...